
It's been about a week since Juria and I confessed our love for each other. At the time, I wasn't certain of our future moving forward. As it turned out, surprisingly more normal than I expected.

When we broke the news to Taisei on our return home. He was over the moon from hearing the news. Now that it was confirmed, he didn't hold back his emotions at all compared to when he saw on her bed. Just kind of wished he didn't embarrass me by saying that I was free to have so-called 'private' time with Juria in her room anytime I wanted. He said he wouldn't interrupt anything we would theoretically be doing.

When he said it like that, I couldn't help but be flustered on the thought of being intimate with her. I'm only 15, so it's not like I have any experience in that field. And the thought of seeing her with less clothing is a bit exhilarating. Though her reaction to his teasing was much lighter, laughing him off.

He wasn't the only person who we told this. Hinae was another important character in the tale of how we ended up together. I was shocked to see how welcoming she was about me dating Juria. After her harsh she had been and doubtful to how I'd turn out. Hinae celebrated just as energetically as the rest of her friends. That said…

"If you ever make Juria sad, then I'll make your life miserable." The whispered threat she made to me caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. She's not someone anyone would want to cross.

Aside from that, things have gone quite well for us. The only part that's got me feeling nervous is today of all days. I'm standing in front of Juria's and Taisei's door, taking a deep breath before knocking on it. It's a special day today, and that's because…

"Hi Hideumi…" Juria answers the door wearing a beautiful light blue sundress. Today we're going to be going on our first official date. I'm dressed for the occasion myself and I still find myself anxious on my looks. Even though I'm sure a lot of people would tell me it's no big deal to her, I still have it running in my head. "You definitely got all gussied up." She compliments me.

"And I love that dress." I respond in kind. "You're real beautiful in it."

"You don't have to be so kind." She curls her lips inward, trying to suppress a growing smile. Even if she won't admit it, I can tell it took a lot of courage to wear a dress without sleeves. It's very easy to see the scars running down her left arm and leg.

"You two lovebirds have fun now." Suddenly, Taisei appears from behind and give his big sister a gentle push. It causes her to trip over and fall into my arms, which has the obvious effect. "Don't have too much fun without me." Ever since we've started dating, it's also had the effect of Taisei teasing me more often.

"Are you all right?" I ask her after he closes the door and she straightens back up.

"Of course, I had my hero save me after all." I can tell where he gets it from when she playfully pinches my cheeks. Not that I can say I hate it coming from her. "Now, you were planning on taking me to the cafe?"

"That's right." I take her hand and lead the way. It's a bit of a simple spot for the two of us to go to. It's not like we've never been to the cafe before, but things are a little different when the context isn't the same. Before, it was because we were just friends. Now we're doing it as lovers…

Wow, when I look at it again, it sounds a bit weird. Thankfully, she can't read my mind.

"You look like you're thinking of something weird again." She giggles. Okay, maybe she can. "But it's okay. You're a growing boy." They're always saying things like that to me. It kind of gives me the worry of what growing up during the teen years will be like for my mind.

"Can I ask a question?" That's what I say to open up our date as we sit down in the middle of the crowded cafe. I swear it's more busy than usual, so it does make me concerned if she's anxious about being seen by so many.

"I'm fine." She responds. "I'm not worried about other people judging me."

"That's not it." I clarify. Despite that being on my mind, there's a more pressing matter that I keep thinking about ever since we confessed to each other. "Uh… Why me? I mean, how did you… You know… Start to like me like that?" It's hard to say out loud, but I wanted to know why she even loves me in the first place. I'm sure plenty of people would assume that it's because we grew up with each other, but there has to be more to it than that, right?

"How?" She closes her eye, trying to recall the first moment when she knew that she had feelings for me. "I think it was… Probably when I started junior high."

"Eh?" That long ago? I never realized for a moment during the past few years that she was in love with me.

"It was when we were all growing a bit more. I think it was when I started seeing you as a boy." So it was during that time in our lives? Makes sense when I think about it. Even Taisei was getting a bit girl crazy at that time. I was a bit of a late bloomer in comparison. In fact, at the time I didn't even notice her developing in the chest region. That's how oblivious I was back then.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't notice it any sooner." I reply.

"I remember being a little disappointed you didn't notice me changing as we got older. A part of me thought for sure it meant you weren't interested. So I kind of gave up back then."

"But if you tried a little harder, then maybe…" She cups my chin with her hand, stopping my sentence.

"It doesn't matter anymore." She answers. "I'm still happy that you got to be a part of my life." With that, she leans over the table and gives me a kiss to seal the deal. I wished this moment could go on forever.

"Ahem…" Sadly, it couldn't as the server happened to roll by right as she did it. "Are you two ready to order?" They asked.

"R-right, we are." Flustered, Juria returns to her seat. Though from that smile she's still trying to hide. I can tell she doesn't regret a thing at all.