He Didn't Like That

Izzy spoke up for the first time since shutting Julian out, proving she was still listening to the conversation despite being completely absorbed in whatever she was doing on her phone. "You're the head of the product development department; it's an easy assumption to make."

Roz looked at her gratefully. "Yes. Exactly."

Something was fishy about this. If he was reading the situation correctly, the girl had been floundering trying to come up with an answer and Izzy came up with something she could use on the spot.

His belief that he had been stalked for longer than expected intensified but there was nothing he could do about it at this point. He wanted that hologram device and would do whatever it took to get his hands on it, no matter how many questions he had.

Julian wasn't good with people and never had been. He didn't understand them or their motivations. They never understood him either and he hadn't cared about that up until this point.