Far More Sentimental A Thought

Julian's life had become incredibly strange since he nearly ran a child over with his car. Finding out that he had children travel back to find him from the future was the most bizarre thing that ever happened to him. 

Children? Marriage? He had never considered such a thing! And, of all people, he apparently married a novelist. 

Why a novelist? What was special enough about her to tempt him away from a life of solitude and stability? He hadn't thought anyone would ever be capable of that but he also hadn't thought time travel was possible or that he would be the one to eventually crack it and create the world's first time machine. 

A time machine that had destroyed some sort of natural law that should never have been messed with if his children were to be believed. He didn't think they were lying. They both looked haunted when they spoke of what they called "the whiteness."