Are You Going To Let Me Sign Your Cast Or Not?

Izzy had never once liked the girls she had been forced to share rooms with in foster care until she met Roz. She was different. Quieter. Preferred blending into the background and being forgotten the same way she did. 

She also had some rather interesting things to say, like the ridiculous lie she made up to hide the real reason she was in foster care. And the fact that she was a genius. That had been unexpected!

Izzy didn't quite know what to make of her. What horrible thing had she been through that made her come up with such a lie? 

Having had plenty of experience with liars, she knew they tended to do it when they were desperate. Roz may have needed to escape her previous home every bit as much as she had. Or she had been through something so traumatic she couldn't bear to talk about it and was deep in denial. 

The pain in her voice when she talked about her siblings was real. Something must have actually happened to them. Poor thing.