Put It On Me

Julian gave Izzy her next present the following afternoon and she beamed up at him in a way that somehow made his chest loosen and tighten at the same time. He wasn't used to being smiled at like that and it was disconcerting. 

"Thank you! How did you know I needed a new notebook? Mine is almost completely out of space," she said as she hugged the large 5-subject notebook to her chest. 

"…it was a lucky guess."

Roz snorted from beside her, indicating she was listening even if she refused to look up from her book. She knew that guess was based on the information she hadn't meant to give away when they spoke the day before. 

It seemed she didn't want to let her friend know that she had ratted her out, albeit unintentionally, and hadn't said anything. That was good. Julian didn't want Izzy to know he had sort of cheated in their game because he wasn't all that creative.