[Bonus chapter] Battle of Wits!

Though Anne had always been with Hazel, she was more like a protector than a family. 

She was strict to Hazel and always frowned and scolded her for her mistakes. Though they both had spent a lifetime together, even Anne had never tended to her wounds personally. 

If she would get a scratch or an injury after falling from the tree or while running in the garden, Anne would just scold her and then give her the ointment which she applied by herself.

Yet he..!! She felt like a soft breeze touched her skin and caressed her cheeks.

Even if it was her illusion that he cared for her, she did not care at that moment!

She stared at his face as if she wanted to engrave his concern in her heart forever when he suddenly raised his head and stared back at her.

His soft face immediately turned into a frown that shivered her and her dream was finally broken.