Let Him Go!

"I have a good habit of returning whatever I get from another person, my lady! How can I keep your favour without giving you something in return!"

She felt nauseous when his breath touched her skin. 

Though Rafael had held her the same way, the feeling was entirely different when Damien had held her and her eyes instantly turned cold! 

For a second even his eyes cracked when he felt her frosty eyes! She had always been with a foul mouth but this time her whole demeanour had been changed as if she was a different person that he stared at her for more than a second completely forgetting that he was just trying to scare her!

"Let go or else you will regret it all your life!" The frosty voice and imposing aura was enough to get her bidding done by anyone but Damien!

It took him only a few seconds to come back to his senses and the evil smirk returned on his face!