[Bonus chapter]

"My lady, what are you searching for?" the maid stared at the lady who had the habit of reading but today she was almost drowned in the books that the maid even had trouble seeing her face!

Hazel frowned but did not reply as she continued to search the books. Her eyes were frantically looking at books as if she was searching for elixir in them.

The maid shrugged her shoulders but just when she was about to turn a loud bang resounded! 

She turned back and was stunned to see Hazel had banged her head on the table!

"My lady, are you okay? Shall I call a physician?" she took hurried steps towards Hazel whose face was looking dim and pale as if her soul had left her body.

"No! I am fine! Leave me alone!" though hesitated, the maid nodded her head and left the library after giving one last glance to her listless empress!