
"I have but that does not mean I can use them freely. More than that, I am not a kind person to begin with. I just want to keep safe things that belong to me.

My empire, my people and my.." 

"Then would you keep me safe?" the words left her mouth before she could even think rationally. Asking him to keep him safe was equal to asking him if she belonged to him too.

But since when did she want to belong to him? She was not a thing to start with! Hadn't she always wanted to be free and dependent on that strange feeling that did not let go of our heart and often slipped off from her eyes and words.

"I mean.. If i will support you, my family and other humans that would think i am a traitor would kill me after you free me.

What are my chances of survival at that time?" She bit her lips as she changed her words at the end moment but was relieved when he had not noticed the difference.