[Bonus chapter] Go And Check Again

Lucian punched the wall once again. The scene of Hazel running towards Rafael and hugging her with all her might did not leave his eyes.

"Argh" what was he doing? He was here on a mission. A mission to make that demon forget about witches and the first step was bringing him closer to his wife. Then.. Why was he getting so agitated?

Why did it feel like a huge rock was crushing his chest and he was not able to take breath. He would go crazy if it continued. The wall had already gone red with the continuous punching and he knew soon the other servants would knock on his door to see what was happening. 

What if Rafael comes to know of his actions? He was already doubtful from the time knights had attacked them in the forest. He could not get anymore of his attention.

The thought that the future of his coven was dependent on him brought a bit of his rationality back. He took a few deep breaths and then stared at the blood that was dripping from his hands.