Politics or Life?

"Do you know where Rafael is?" The maid looked bewildered by the change of subject but shook her head. 

"Why would a maid like me know where the lords are? I heard that a lady named Diana had called him and he left in a hurry!" so that was the reason!

Hazel's face dimmed. She felt like a rock was drowning her down. So, he left alone again because of Diana? Hadn't he said that he was going to stay loyal with the girl he loved.

"My lady! This is too.."

"You do not need to worry about it. I know what I am doing. If you want to help me in taking the revenge of your daughter then go and help me in finding out if this man is against VIncent or one of his men?" the answer would show if he was trapping her or testing her.

But what difference then would it make? She was going to do it anyway. A wary smile formed on her lips as the maid nodded after some thought and left.