You Are Mine.


"Are you thinking of hiding there to save yourself from me? Huh?" Hazel's eyes snapped open at the voice, a hint of hatred and irritation was there since the last scene was of Rafael pressing the ring again just to test it when that f**the seller had already shown him.

"Just how much Bella was tortured by them?" 

"And here I thought that you are hungry so I asked the maids to bring your favorite food." he added when she looked at her skin that was already getting crumpled due to staying long in water.

"It was a torture to remember the past!" She muttered as she came out of the water and pulled a bathrobe from the corner of the room.

Wearing it, she opened the door when she met his hungry eyes that devoured her from head to toe.

She rolled her eyes and continued to walk to the table near the sofa that was full of delicacies.