Love In The Air

"You want the lady to be the queen?" he asked in a state of bewilderment as if he was missing the core information. "But isn't she already the empress of your empire?" 

His voice was saying "are you kidding me now?" 

"My lord, she must be the next heir but she already rules vampire. Humans would never accept one such ruler." and it automatically makes you the ruler too since you are so… affectionate to each other!

"You already rule the vampire and lord of the council. If you would be the indirect ruler of the humans, would it not mean that you have monopoly over all the lands?" he asked in a brave voice when Rafael raised a brow?

"Did I say, I would interfere? It is her decision to rule, not mine." The man's face turned ugly. 

He was at a loss of words when he looked at the domineering couple. In the end, he looked at the woman beside him for help.