
She looked at the sky that was turning crimson. The slight warmth that was still left there was also covered by the strong winds that were breezing. As if they were singing a song to calm her raging heart.

Why does it feel like it will rain tonight? Now all she wanted was to finish this hunt as soon as possible and go back to the palace and rest.

She had to agree that the horse Rafael had chosen for her was best. it was easily taking over all the other horses, in just a few minutes she was the one who was the fastest. 

Now all she had to do was to instruct the direction of the path to it. It was intelligent enough to control that speed and she did not need to pull the reins again and again to force him to run faster. 

This was going to be easier than she had thought. She kept her eyes and ears open as these woods were new to her. Hazel pulled the reins of his horse to stop it after riding for long.