Drink A Glass Of Wine

The knock on the door woke Hazel up. She looked around in a state of daze. It has been days since she had slept for so long.

Her eyes were still blurred when the door knocked again.

"My lord, I think the lady is resting. Why don't you come later?" she heard the maid asking again in an apologetic way but her words only perked up at words "my lord"

'Was he finally here?' Hazel wanted to sit and talk to Rafael. No! She wanted to get laid with him and forget about all her worries.

She stood up from the bed and walked towards the door when she noticed her clothes were all messier and crumpled. 

Her hair was disheveled and she looked like a crying mess.

The condition of the room was no better. The marking of the ritual and the gale created by it had burnt everything around.

That way, he would realize that she was up to something.

  She frowned and then snapped her fingers.