Did Not Deceive Them

Marquis stared at everyone who was already looking at her with disdain. Their faces were saying "tsk tsk! Did you think that you would be treated especially?" 

His whole face burnt red. He was promised a higher position in exchange for the votes he had spent. In exchange for betraying the duke, he had followed for a long time.

"But i.. I was offered the higher position." he said blatantly earning many gasps from the people around him when Hazel nodded her head without  a shame.

"And the position of duke is higher than marquis. I am never going to decline what i promised." she passed him the papers of her properties with a noble look on her face.

"........" the papers of properties felt like a big slap on his cheeks that burnt. 

He wanted to throw the papers on her face and flip the table but he endured. She was the empress and he was just a marquis. He had to wait until his chance would come.