Waste Of Assets

Anne woke up early in the morning. She did not want to face Hazel and hear her questions when she knew that she was being irrational here.

As she walked out of the main palace, instead of going out, she walked towards the garden.

She had seen many men working here and a few of them staring at her often.

She did not care if her lover would be a commoner. She felt that she was a commoner herself. 

As she reached closer to the stables, she stopped there and stared at the man who was washing horses. He was bare chest and had a good body maybe due to his constant workout in the stables.

He looked fine too. As long as he does not have a nasty personality, it will work out well.

With that thought, she nodded her head as if her assessment was already positive.

Feeling the strong gaze of a woman, the man paused and bowed his head in front of her.