He Is Afraid

Anne smiled as she came forward. Declan tried to hold her hands but she jerked him away as she kept speaking and provoking the crowd.

"My lord, you have been kind to us. You were the one who helped us when we were in trouble and fought for our rights from the start. How could it be that someone else can hold this position better? `` She looked back at others as if asking them if they agreed with her or not when many nodded.

"Yes, you should be the one to take the position of the marquis. You already have that position in front of the public." said the other and soon the whole room started to echo with his support.

Lucio stared at all of them stunned but his eyes were stirring with emotions. 

"Since my elders and my comrades want the same thing. Then.. I will gladly take that position."

The whole room ended up in applause when Declan took its benefit and dragged Anne back who glared at him.