Her Dream Come True

Diana had never felt this happy. She was on cloud nine when she stared at the leaving figure of Hazel.

She walked with hasty steps and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh lord, Rafael. When you told me that you are finally realizing my feelings for you, I thought that you were joking and you would never be serious with me." she rubbed her head with his as she trembled with joy.

Her crimson eyes were shining like stars. 

Rafael smiled as he rubbed her cheeks with his thumb.

"I know that you have suffered a lot. But I never knew about your feelings. If I had known before.." he paused but she was more than happy.

"It did not matter as long as we are together now. I did not want to think about the past!" she pouted her cheeks as she looked at him, "i want to think about the future i am going to spend with you. I am sure it is going to be beautiful." with that she came closer and kissed him,