Past Of Rafael

"Wait! What are you…" Freya glared at the witches who left her and joined Hazel but they just shook their heads.

"We only wanted peace and freedom. You told us that war is the only way, you said killing vampires would bring peace for us. But if we can get it without shedding blood what was wrong in it?" they asked back in a confused tone when Freya stared at them with a pale face and gritted teeth.

"How can you forgive them? They have killed many of us!" she retorted when the witch shook her head.

"And we have killed many of them. For our experiments, for our magic and for our powers. We have killed many humans and vampires to make potions that work better." many of them nodded their heads.

"....." Freya and Diana stared in silence when only a few of them left while the rest of them chose to support hazel.

"Mother!" Diana stared at Scarlet with disbelief when she chose to stand behind Rafael and Hazel too, leaving her alone.