Bringing Him Back

When Hazel returned to the palace, it was a mess. Half of it was burnt while the rest was crumbling down. In the middle of it was standing Rafael with a sword and a gun in each hand with a lot of dead bodies behind him.

His eyes had turned dark, hollow as if no warmth was left in him. She took a step closer but he couldn't feel his presence. His grip on the gun tightened and she was sure that he was going to attack her at any moment. 

"Rafael…" she called him softly as if she was not sure about how much force she could use but the man was beyond hearing. He looked soulless. As if he could not feel a word, he could not see her, hear her or even know that it was her.

All he knew was.. There was a person in the room and it was meant to be killed.

He pulled the lever when she jumped from her place trying hard to save herself after being exhausted all the time, all she wanted was his hug and consoling words.