Lucy And Lucinda

Rafael woke up in a dark room confused. But the moment his eyes opened, he felt light, the darkness crawling in his heart and forcing him to destroy everything was not there anymore.

Was he healed? As much as it sounded impossible, he really did not feel the pain anymore. Confused, he left his bed and went to find Hazel when he heard her shrieks coming from the other room.

Confused, he ran to the room with worry and knocked on it but it was locked. He did not wait for it to open as he used his force.

"Hazel.." he called with worry only to see that his wife was on the bed with sweat covering her body. She was holding a little girl in her arms and his eyes softened.

"Rafael.." she called him softly, "meet our daughter." the words melted him. 

He felt like he was going to burst with happiness! The steps felt like centuries as he ran to her and took the child in his arms.