Visiting tribe of the wolf pack

As Jamie emerged from the dungeon with his pack, basking in the afterglow of victory, he was met with an unexpected surprise. The wolves around him suddenly perked up, their ears twitching with newfound understanding. One of them, eyes wide with astonishment, stepped forward.

"Lord, we can understand you now. Do you understand what we are saying?" the wolf questioned, its voice a mix of awe and excitement.

Jamie, equally surprised by this development, nodded. "Yes, I do," he replied promptly.

The revelation sent a wave of excitement through the pack. The three wolves who had fought alongside Jamie in the dungeon howled with joy, their tails wagging furiously. This new ability to communicate opened up a world of possibilities, and the wolves were quick to seize the opportunity.

"My lord," one of the wolves proposed, barely containing its enthusiasm, "now that you can understand what we are saying, it's time for you to visit our tribe."

Jamie considered the offer for a moment. The idea of seeing where these wolves came from, of understanding their society, was intriguing. After a brief deliberation, he agreed, much to the delight of his companions. Their tails wagged even faster, a clear sign of their happiness.

With his decision made, Jamie and his three wolf companions began their journey out of the dungeon. As they ascended, they encountered the wolves Jamie had strategically placed on the lower floors. The dungeon echoed with howls of congratulation, celebrating Jamie's victory over the Hosepant.

Upon reaching the entrance of the dungeon, Jamie was met with an unexpected sight. The wolf that had initially refused to fall in line was waiting for them. Jamie halted the pack and approached the lone wolf, his posture cautious but not aggressive.

"I don't wish to fight you," Jamie said, looking the wolf directly in the eye. "You possess both a fearless heart and a brave soul, which is not easy to find."

The wolf, to Jamie's surprise, lowered its head in a gesture of respect. "I also don't wish to fight you, my lord," it replied. "I have acknowledged you as the true leader of the pack." With these words, the wolf prostrated itself before Jamie.

A surge of pride and satisfaction washed over Jamie. Earning the trust and respect of such a fearless and brave soul was no small feat. Filled with elation, Jamie raised his voice, addressing the entire pack.

"Tonight, there will be a feast to celebrate my lordship!" he announced.

The proclamation was met with a chorus of howls so loud that the very earth seemed to tremble beneath their paws. The excitement was palpable, spreading through the pack like wildfire.

As they prepared to depart for the tribe's territory, Jamie instructed one of the wolves to lead the way. As they traveled, a thought occurred to him. These wolves, his new pack, deserved names. It would make communication easier and foster a stronger sense of individuality within the group. Jamie decided he would name them after he had a chance to observe the tribe and its members.

The journey to the tribe's home was an education in itself. The wolves led Jamie through dense forests and winding paths, eventually arriving at a location hidden among trees and thick bushes. The setup of the tribe's home struck Jamie as deliberately concealed, designed to avoid detection by potential enemies.

As they entered the tribe's grounds, Jamie noticed the female wolves watching their arrival with obvious curiosity. Most of them bowed their heads in respect as Jamie passed, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed. However, one female wolf stood out from the rest, refusing to show any sign of deference.

It didn't take long for Jamie to realize that this defiant wolf was the sister of the one who had initially refused to fall in line. The brother, now loyal to Jamie, approached his sister, urging her to show respect. But she remained obstinate, refusing to budge.

Seeing the brewing conflict, Jamie spoke up. "It's okay," he said, his voice calm and assured. "I don't mind. More importantly, I'm hungry."

Jamie was led to a large tree with a spacious hollow beneath its roots. As he settled into this natural shelter, waiting for food, he could hear the continued quarrel between the wolf siblings outside. The sister's voice was loud and defiant, refusing to believe that her brother had truly been defeated by Jamie.

Unable to ignore the discord, Jamie emerged from the tree hollow. He approached the arguing wolves, his presence immediately drawing their attention.

"Who told you to come between the quarrel of us?" the sister wolf yelled, her hackles raised.

Jamie kept his voice level as he replied, "I'm sorry, but fighting won't do any good. First and foremost, your brother was indeed beaten by me, and that's the truth."

The sister wolf's response was as colorful as it was defiant. "I'm never going to believe it even if you stick a thirty-meter rod up my ass!" she declared, her voice dripping with arrogance.

Jamie, taken aback by her crude statement, couldn't help but respond in kind. "Only thirty? That's average! How about I stick it up now, but ten meters extra?" he said, his voice taking on a merciless edge.

The brother wolf, mortified by his sister's behavior, quickly interjected. "I'm sorry for her behavior, please do not heed what she says," he pleaded, his voice heavy with apology.

But Jamie was already committed to the confrontation. "Don't worry, I don't mind as long as I get to stick the rod up her ass," he said, his tone making it clear that he was only half-joking.

The sister wolf, undeterred by Jamie's threats, raised her voice even louder. "I can defeat you myself, let alone my brother. You must have cheated to defeat him!"

Seeing no way to de-escalate the situation peacefully, Jamie decided to accept the challenge. "Okay, let's have it your way. When is the match?" he asked, his reluctance evident in his voice.

The sister wolf, confident in her abilities, set the terms. "The match will start after you have eaten because I won't let you say you couldn't fight due to less strength from hunger," she declared mockingly.

With the challenge set, Jamie returned to the tree hollow to await his meal. He was served raw meat and freshly plucked mushrooms, still bearing the marks of teeth from where they had been harvested. Despite the rustic nature of the meal, Jamie ate his fill, preparing himself for the upcoming spar.

As Jamie finished his meal, he could hear the brother wolf still trying to dissuade his sister from the fight. But like her brother before his defeat, the sister's pride and arrogance made her deaf to reason.

With his hunger sated, Jamie emerged from the hollow, ready for the confrontation. He took his position, waiting for the sister wolf to do the same. Once she was in place, Jamie decided to show the true extent of his power. He reverted to his original size, his form growing until he towered over the assembled wolves.

The transformation sent a wave of fear through the watching pack. The female wolves cowered back, their earlier curiosity replaced by terror. Only the sister wolf stood her ground, her bravado unshaken.

"So what if you have a big body?" she taunted. "It all comes down to skills."

Without wasting another moment, Jamie unleashed his Dark Howl skill. The sound reverberated through the clearing, and the effect on the sister wolf was immediate. She froze in place, her body paralyzed by the supernatural power of Jamie's howl.

The fight, if it could even be called that, was over in an instant. The brother wolf approached his sister, who remained frozen in place. "Do you still think my defeat was a cock and bull story?" he asked, his voice a mixture of concern and vindication.

The sister wolf, unable to move or speak, could only stand there, embarrassment radiating from her rigid form. She had been defeated before she could even make a single move, her earlier bravado now seeming foolish and misplaced.

With the confrontation resolved, Jamie called for everyone's attention. "Gather around," he announced. "I'm going to name each of you."

The wolves, still in awe of Jamie's display of power, lined up obediently. One by one, Jamie bestowed names upon them, each name carefully chosen to reflect some aspect of the wolf's personality or appearance. When he came to the brother wolf who had shown such bravery in challenging him initially, Jamie named him "Fear," a testament to the wolf's fearless nature.

Finally, only one wolf remained unnamed—the sister of Fear. Jamie approached her, a mischievous glint in his eye. With a smirk, he declared her name: "Forty Meter Please."


With that the naming ceremony was complete, Jamie then turned his attention to the promised feast. Night had fallen, and the pack was eager to celebrate their new leader. Jamie ordered some of the wolves to hunt wild boars for the feast. They returned triumphant, having caught an impressive total of twelve boars.

As the wolves prepared to dig into their raw prey, Jamie stopped them. He saw an opportunity to introduce his new pack to a fundamental aspect of human culture—cooking. Gathering the wolves around him, Jamie demonstrated how to start a fire, explaining the process step by step.

The wolves watched in fascination as Jamie prepared the meat over the flames. The aroma of cooking pork filled the air, causing the wolves to salivate in anticipation. When the meat was done, Jamie distributed it among the pack.

The reaction was immediate and enthusiastic. The wolves' eyes widened as they tasted the cooked meat, savoring the new flavors and textures. Jamie couldn't help but smile as he watched his pack enjoy their first taste of cooked food.

As the feast continued late into the night, Jamie found himself reflecting on the day's events. He had not only defeated a formidable foe in the dungeon but had also gained the loyalty of a wolf pack. He had learned to communicate with them, given them names, and even introduced them to cooked food.

The challenges ahead were still numerous. There was the upcoming tournament to consider, the mysteries surrounding Srides's parents to unravel, and undoubtedly many more obstacles to overcome. But as Jamie looked around at his new pack, enjoying their feast and celebrating his leadership, he felt a sense of belonging and purpose.

He was no longer just Jamie, the loyal companion. He was Jamie, the Wolf Lord, leader of a pack, and bridge between two worlds. With his newfound abilities and his loyal wolves by his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the celebration continued around him, Jamie raised his head and let out a long, triumphant howl. It was a call of victory, of newfound strength, and of hope for the future. And as his pack joined in, their voices rising in a chorus of loyalty and celebration, Jamie knew that whatever came next, they would face it together.