Ring! Ring! Time For A Rematch

The following day arrived, bringing with it new challenges and unexpected turns in Jamie's adventure. As he prepared to depart, Shafila approached him with an additional task—collecting blacknuts from the surrounding trees. This delay in Jamie's plans didn't go unnoticed by Gira, who seemed pleased at the opportunity to further study Jamie's unique ki.

"Will you join me in the search?" Shafila asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Jamie, eager to be of help and secretly glad for a reason to distance himself from Gira's increasingly unsettling gaze, readily agreed. "Of course. My nose should prove quite useful in this endeavor."

Before setting out, Jamie sought clarification on their target. "These blacknuts—what exactly am I looking for?"

Shafila's explanation was succinct. "As the name suggests, they're black-colored nuts. And they're quite the delicacy."

Curiosity piqued, Jamie couldn't help but ask, "Are they safe to eat?"

"Absolutely," Shafila assured him. "In fact, their taste is what drew me to this forest in the first place. Feel free to try some if you find any."

With that, the pair set off into the depths of the forest. Shafila moved swiftly ahead, while Jamie, nose to the ground, carefully sifted through the myriad scents of the woodland. As he ventured deeper, two distinct odors caught his attention, leading him away from Shafila's path.

Following his keen sense of smell, Jamie soon found himself face to face with two trees—one laden with the sought-after blacknuts, the other adorned with vibrant flowers. Seizing the opportunity, Jamie shifted to his full size and began ramming the nut-bearing tree, his powerful frame shaking loose the prized fruits.

After several determined attempts, Jamie's efforts were rewarded with a bounty of fourteen blacknuts. Unable to resist, he sampled two of them on the spot. The taste that filled his mouth brought tears to his eyes—a sweetness reminiscent of chocolate, a flavor he hadn't experienced in what felt like ages.

As Jamie savored the unexpected treat, memories of lonely Valentine's Days past flitted through his mind. He recalled the bittersweet tradition he'd developed of buying himself chocolate, a small act of self-love in the face of solitude.

His reverie was interrupted by Shafila's voice. "Any luck with the nuts?"

Jamie proudly displayed his haul. "Indeed. And you were right—they're absolutely delicious."

Shafila's eyes lit up at the sight. "Wonderful! It's a shame Gira and her kind can't enjoy them. Now, how do you plan to carry them all?"

"Don't worry," Jamie replied. "I have spatial magic at my disposal. I'll store them that way."

As they prepared to part ways, Jamie's curiosity got the better of him. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me your tribe before I go?"

Shafila's response was enthusiastic. "Of course! Follow me."

After bidding farewell to Gira and expressing their gratitude for her teachings, Jamie and Shafila made their way to the wolf tribe's territory. To their surprise, Fear, Jamie's appointed caretaker of the tribe, was already waiting for them at the entrance.

"How did you know we were coming?" Jamie asked, impressed by Fear's foresight.

Fear's response was matter-of-fact. "It's simple, my lord. I can detect your scent from quite a distance."

As they entered the tribal grounds, Fear turned his attention to Shafila. "And who might this be, my lord?"

"A friend," Jamie replied, his tone casual. "Why don't you give her a tour of our home?"

With a respectful nod, Fear beckoned to Shafila. "This way, my lady."

As Fear led Shafila deeper into the tribal territory, Jamie realized the urgency of his upcoming battle. With a heavy heart, he decided it was time to take his leave and return to Srides' mansion to prepare for the impending fight.

Upon reaching the mansion, Jamie found the gates locked. He let out a resounding howl, which quickly brought Srides running to unlock the entrance. As he entered, Srides began to pet him affectionately, the gentle strokes feeling like a soothing massage to Jamie's battle-worn body.

However, as he leaned into Srides' touch, a sudden realization struck him—he had forgotten to bring the vital flowers from Shafila, the very ones meant to counteract the Hibernation Slap. Without a moment's hesitation, Jamie headbutted Srides, preventing her from following, and took off at full speed back towards the forest.

As Jamie approached the tribal grounds, an unsettling sight greeted him. Numerous wolves lay injured, their pained howls filling the air. Panic rising in his chest, Jamie frantically searched for Fear, his eyes darting from one wounded wolf to another.

Finally, he spotted Fear, sprawled on the ground with a broken leg. Jamie rushed to his side, his voice tight with concern. "What happened here?"

Fear's eyes, filled with guilt and sorrow, met Jamie's. "My lord... I'm so sorry... I failed to protect our tribe."

Jamie's worry quickly turned to anger. "Who did this to you?"

Fear's response sent a shockwave through Jamie. "It was... the wolf woman you brought with you, my lord."

"Shafila?" Jamie exclaimed, disbelief coloring his voice. "But why would she do this?"

Fear's voice was weak as he replied, "I don't know, my lord. She only said one thing as she attacked us one by one: 'You deserve it.'"

Jamie's mind raced, trying to make sense of Shafila's actions and cryptic words. Whatever her reasons, she had now made herself an enemy, and Jamie vowed to confront her and demand answers—after dealing out some well-deserved retribution.

Overwhelmed with guilt, Jamie's eyes welled up with tears. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you all. You should punish me for my failure."

But Fear's response took Jamie by surprise. "Punish you, my lord? We would gladly lay down our lives for you."

Jamie, taken aback by their unwavering loyalty, insisted, "Then if you must, give me a punishment. I won't accept anything less."

After a moment's thought, Fear replied, "Very well. If you insist on punishment, then let it be this: win every match in the Colosseum. Be victorious. That shall be your penance."

Jamie, moved by their faith in him, made a solemn vow. "I will win every match. I promise you this."

With renewed determination, Jamie left the tribal grounds, his heart heavy but his resolve stronger than ever.

The following day, as the Colosseum buzzed with anticipation, Jamie stood in the arena, his eyes fixed on the entrance, waiting for the Lord of Nandy Bear to appear. When his opponent finally entered, Jamie's gaze was filled with a mix of anger and determination.

To Jamie's surprise, the Nandy Bear approached and sat down in front of him, its demeanor unexpectedly calm.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jamie growled, his patience wearing thin.

The Nandy Bear's response was unexpected. "I don't wish to fight you. Instead, I propose a deal—one that could benefit us both."

Jamie scoffed, "A deal? Don't make me laugh."

"Hear me out," the Nandy Bear insisted. "This arrangement could ensure both our survival."

"I can survive just fine by defeating you," Jamie retorted.

The Nandy Bear nodded sagely. "Perhaps, but at what cost? You might lose a limb or two in the process. Why fight when we can form an alliance?"

Jamie's curiosity was piqued despite his initial skepticism. "What's in it for me?"

"Everything," the Nandy Bear replied. "You'll have access to all my skills and knowledge."

As the Nandy Bear laid out the terms of the proposed pact, Jamie found himself intrigued. The offer included not just a beast pact, but a blood pact as well, with Jamie assuming the role of master.

"Why would you willingly give up your freedom?" Jamie asked, still suspicious.

The Nandy Bear's answer was thoughtful. "It's not about losing freedom. By forming a beast pact with you, I'm entrusting you to carry on my will."

"And what exactly is your will?" Jamie pressed.

"To liberate my tribal people from the oppression of this country's king," the Nandy Bear revealed.

Jamie's eyes widened in surprise. "Why didn't you say so from the start? I have my own score to settle with the king. Count me in."

With their mutual understanding reached, Jamie and the Nandy Bear proceeded to form both a beast pact and a blood pact. As the rituals concluded, the Nandy Bear vanished into thin air, leaving Jamie standing alone in the Colosseum.

The crowd fell silent, unsure of what had transpired. All they knew was that Jamie was the last one standing, and thus, the victor of the match.

As Jamie exited the arena, his mind raced with the implications of this new alliance. He had entered the Colosseum seeking a way to defeat the Nandy Bear, but he left with so much more—a powerful ally, new abilities, and a shared purpose that aligned perfectly with his own goals.

The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and potential dangers. But Jamie felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had made a promise to his tribe, forged an unexpected alliance, and taken another step towards confronting the king who had caused so much suffering.

With each passing moment, Jamie's resolve strengthened. He would uncover the truth behind Shafila's betrayal, protect his tribe, master his new abilities, and ultimately challenge the very power structure of the kingdom. The journey ahead would be arduous, but Jamie was ready to face whatever trials awaited him, driven by loyalty, vengeance, and the unwavering support of his newfound allies.