Chapter 82 Are You Treating Me Like a Fool_1

Who knew that Leo Harrell, seeing her silent, grew even angrier.

His eyes were filled with the image of her, disheveled, lying in Christopher Lewis's arms that night; in each other's eyes, they only had each other. Every time he thought of that, Leo Harrell's teeth itched with hatred.

Sophia Cloud's eyes were complex, and she could only tightly grasp her own hands, saying nothing.

"Why did he come here?" the man coldly asked.

Did he even need to ask? Sophia Cloud was secretly sent to the hospital, and only a few of them knew about this. She didn't have a cell phone, how could she have contacted anyone?

Contact the nurse, call Christopher Lewis?

Leo Harrell's lips curled with a trace of scorn, "Can't bear to part with him? Can't stand to be away from him even for a moment?" His face darkened, and he said with an unusually cold and hard voice, "Even if you die, you'll only die in the Harrell Family." He then roughly tossed her aside.