Chapter 98 Discovered_1

"Are you sure that you saw her figure coming this way just now?"

At this moment, Evelyn Smith slowly walked to the doorway of Arthur's room, her eyebrows furrowed tightly, with a servant following by her side.

"I am sure, I couldn't have mistaken Miss Cloud's figure."

Hearing what the servant said, the corners of Evelyn Smith's mouth couldn't help but flash with a hint of mockery, and her disdain for Sophia Cloud grew even more.

"If that's the case, then open the door and see where exactly she is."

Evelyn Smith gave a signal with her eyes, instructing the servant to immediately open the door. At this moment, Sophia Cloud was still hiding in the wardrobe, her heartbeat pounding as if it were about to jump out of her chest.

Now, Evelyn Smith slowly entered the room, sweeping her gaze around but not finding any sign of a person, which caused her brows to slightly furrow.

"How can there be no one here? I clearly saw her enter just a moment ago."