Chapter 242 Revenge_1

Sophia Cloud and Tiana Cooper embraced each other outside for a long time, still unwilling to let go.

With red, swollen eyes and a tearful smile, she said, "Tiana, let's go inside." There were people all around, and she didn't want to draw attention to herself.

Tiana Cooper was so excited she could hardly speak. She nodded furiously, and hand in hand, they entered the company. The employees inside were stunned by the sight.

In all their time at the company, they'd never seen Sister Lisa take a girl by the hand like this, clearly showing they were close.

They stared blankly at the scene, but not one person dared to ask who this woman was.

Sophia Cloud took her straight to her office. Once the door was closed, together, Sophia wished she could tell Tiana everything she had suffered over the past five years.

But after careful thought, she feared worrying her too much and so held back from saying more.