Chapter 377: Halting the Cocktail Party_1

Sienna Morris began to panic.

Of course, she knew what kind of people they were.

At this moment, several men, seeing the fear on Sienna Morris' face, grew even more excited and started to grab and pull at her.

Despite Sienna Morris' desperate struggles, she was no match for several grown men, and quickly, her gown was torn away.

Her fair skin exposed to everyone's view, they all felt their blood rush with excitement.

"Little girl, just give in to us, we will be very gentle with you!" the leader of the men continued.

Sienna Morris felt so disgusted she wanted to vomit, "Get lost, all of you get the hell away from me!"

She used all her strength to let out a final scream, was there really no one to save her? Was she going to perish at the hands of these disgusting men tonight?

Sienna Morris had no strength left, she closed her eyes, and tears instantly drenched her entire face.

Despair enveloped her entire being.