You're Really Going All Out

Song Wei immediately approached him.

"What did you say?"

"If you want to know so much, why didn't you go in directly just now?" Lu Chengchen glanced at her and strode to the smoking area at the side.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out, put it in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

Green smoke instantly seeped out of his mouth.

Song Wei was not used to the smell of smoke. She coughed and waved the smoke in front of her.

Lu Chengchen glanced at her and only spat out two words. "Spoiled."

Song Wei pouted.

"By the way, why did you return to Jiangbei today? And you're even willing to come to the hospital, such a rare sight."

Lu Chengchen said coldly, "I'm bored."

"Oh? Then is your money bored? Why don't you lend me another 500,000 yuan?" Song Wei asked, intrigued.

Lu Chengchen's expression darkened.

Song Wei chuckled and waved her hand to tell him that she was joking. She then changed the topic.

Lu Chengchen and Song Qinglin had already finished talking, but he still didn't leave. It seemed like he wasn't just staying for a smoke.

His tall figure stood in the sunset. The orange sunset shone on the side of his face. His facial features were so tall and straight. His handsome eyes reflected the sunset with a hint of seriousness. His gaze was deep as if he was planning something long-term.

He suddenly turned to look at Song Wei and said seriously, "I'll give you another five million yuan. How about we divorce directly?"

Song Wei was stunned.

"Why did you bring up the divorce again out of nowhere?" She averted her gaze and deliberately avoided his burning gaze.

Lu Chengchen grabbed her chin and forced her face back.

"I've just discussed with your grandfather to help your Song Corporation. We'll try our best to reverse the situation and revive the Song Corporation."

"The condition is to divorce me?"

As expected, Lu Chengchen nodded.

Song Wei laughed out loud. "You really put in a lot of effort." She paused for a moment and looked a little dazed. "Did my grandfather agree?"

"On one side is the Song Corporation, and on the other side is you. One side is his flesh and blood and the other side is half a lifetime of painstaking effort. Do you think he agreed?" Lu Chengchen asked back, his tone slightly irritated.

Obviously, Song Qinglin did not agree.

At this moment, Song Wei finally understood why Lu Chengchen was so kind and willing to come to the hospital to see Song Qinglin. He knew that the divorce couldn't proceed from her and wanted to start with Song Qinglin.

"It's been hard on you, Mr. Lu." She laughed until her tears were about to fall and looked at him sarcastically.

Lu Chengchen frowned unhappily. He hated Song Wei's weird attitude. "Speak properly."

Speak properly? He had already done so much and he still wanted her to talk nicely?

"Mr. Lu once said that he would not help the Song Corporation at all. Now, he is willing to help the Song Corporation rise again for the sake of divorce. Is this considered as you lowering your head to me?" Song Wei smiled and said.

Lu Chengchen's face was extremely dark.

Theoretically speaking, his patience had been ruined by Song Wei's stubbornness.

In the face of Song Wei's ridicule, he curled his lips and said, "From another perspective, after helping the Song family rise from the dead, I will also receive the corresponding remuneration. I can also divorce you. It's the best of both worlds. The biggest beneficiary will still be me, right?"

Song Wei's smile froze on her face.

Lu Chengchen raised the corner of his lips slightly and said with the arrogance of a victor, "Song Wei, I'm not interested in arguing with you. I'll tell you clearly that this cooperation is a win-win situation. Why don't you take the initiative to persuade your grandfather? Could it be that you can bear to see his life's work destroyed just like that?"

He turned around and looked at the scenery outside the window. His tall figure looked like a king who had just won a war. "The opportunity is right in front of him now. I believe that he is very conflicted and in pain right now. His heart aches for his efforts, but he doesn't want to let you down. Now, all that's left is for you to give him a push."

"Shut up!"

Song Wei shouted angrily and cut him off.

She stared hatefully at the man in front of her. He had no idea how thin his words were. He only knew that he was the final beneficiary, but he had no idea what position she occupied in this win-win collaboration.

Yes, he was the beneficiary. Everything good had been taken away by him.