
"Knock!" came from the door. Wang Lei paused his cultivation and pushed open the door. Jin zain was standing outside the door.

Jin zain entered the room "I've come to deliver this reward to you, lucky brat. You have two optional prizes; select wisely. The first is that you can take this five auction token, and the second is that you can take two billion gold coins."

"What exactly is an auction token, Elder?"

"Well, it's only that this five auction token will allow you to take any five items from any auction within the royal country without having to pay anything," Jin zain said, smilingly.

Wang Lei didn't hesitate for a second before choosing five auction tokens. He can gain money, but even if he has enough money, there is no guarantee that he will be able to get his hands on an item at the auction because there will be a lot of competitors for the item. He felt like he was flying through the clouds.

Jin zain smiled back and exited the room.