Shameless person in another realm

Present people were confused; they couldn't read the thoughts of the youth in the arena cage.

Wang Lei kept his head in the jaws of the white tiger, both hands on the jaw. If the white tiger does something stupid, he will rip it in half. He exclaimed loudly "You're a very sad beast. Even you are powerless to fight. They are compelling me to kill you. Just eat me. I don't want to be a part of this harsh world."

"Is he insane?"

The youth and other staff members' hearts were about to burst out of their body.

"Young master, Please I begged you. Stop" The youth said in worried voice.

Previously, Evildoer gave others the impression of unfathomable strength, but now he gives the impression of an innocent child who is unaware of worldly affairs. Wang Lei is just like a toddler who was stubborn for a toy: he is stubborn for this white tiger.