Auntie Loraine is the only siblings my dad had, she doesn't have a child nor a husband, she didn't get married at all. She's always been my favorite because she always spoiling me.

Giving whatever I want in fact there's a time that I wish she would be my true mother instead of Mom. And she has this vibe that even on her age which is Forthy, she looks so young. A 20 year old teenager.

She's my role model, she's so strong and independent woman that's why I told to myself that like her, I will be independent too.

They're parent died at when they still young. Blood and sweat happened before they have this life that they really deserve. I'm so amaze about that and I wonder if ever that I'll be on that situation can I really survive?.

Many people say that I'm soft hearted and kind but little did they know, I am not. I have a really shortage patience and I can get mad easily, I only control it because I always stay silent and count to three until I calm down. And it's kinda working.

Auntie Loreine gamble with my Parents back then when I'm still 10 years old that if she will help them paid our debts after 8 years she will took me with her.

And because we are on the edge of our life at that time then Dad can't say no. and I don't mind either, I think it's best to be with her than here. Now that I'm eighteen and on a legal age, they can't force me to stay with them if ever they will against it.

" Hey, sweetie, you really grown up." She smiled at me so sweetly. I smiled back at her. Still my hand on my right cheek. She notice it and irritate again.

" That Bitch of your Mother, how can she hurt you?" she caress my right cheek, and look at me with a sorry eyes. She smiled a bit and turned around to face Mom and Dad.

"Anything to say Lorenzo? We have a deal and it's time for me to take it." She said with finality. My Mom froze and Dad sighed. He knows that he can't do anything about it but Mom still doesn't agree with it.

"No.." she shake her head, her tears flowed rapidly and her hands shakening for disbelief.

"Alli will be a Mercado so that means we can pay our Debt to You , no need to take her… no need to take my daughter!." Mom walk to me but I immediately go to Auntie Loreine back. I saw how the fears on her turned into anger. She walk so fast that even Auntie got shocked. She grab me again and I flinch when her long nails dig into my skin. It bleed.

"Ouch." I murmured in pain.

When Lester saw that I am bleeding he immediately go to Mom to stop her but Mom is strong and he didn't want to hurt her. She is still our Mother. Dad just stayed there and froze, don't know what to do. I want to laugh, aren't there any makes my f*cking day fun?.

Auntie Loreine grab Mom's hand unlike Big brother she fastingly get away it. Mom got out of balance so she's now on the floor sitting. Lester approach her and help her stand. He didn't let go Mom and just hold her.

I intersect my finger to prevent my hand from shaking. Auntie hold my hand and walk me away there, she walk to the stairs until we get to my room.

My knees got weaken when we entered in my room. I sat on my bed and cried. So many things happened today, I can't take it. I sob and inhaled at the same time. When minute passed I calmed myself. I get my handkerchief and wipe my tears as well my runny nose.

I look up at Auntie Loraine who is now packing my clothes. I stand up and help her. I get all the things I needed. Toothbrush, my skin care etc.

"oh wait-" Auntie pause on putting my clothes to the suitcase. She face me.

"Do you want to go with me?" I don't know why but I laugh.

" Seriously Aunt you are asking me now that when you almost done putting all my clothes to the luggage?." She look at the things she's holding,.

"Oh my bad." And she smiled cutely.

She really looks so young, she didn't really look like 40. she back on what she's doing and when I'm helping her. I can't help but to think on what will happen starting today. I look at my little clock and saw that it's 1:29 am already.

"auntie where are we going?"

"Bulacan." She excitedly said.

" I brought a new house there in a villa." Not bad. I thought she will make a house because she's rich but I guess it's better to just buy than build a house which is so hustle.

"And I heard that your taking a Fashion Designing Class."

"Yes, I preffered it than Architecht." She smiled at me looking so proud an expression I never get to my own Mother.

"I'm happy that you didn't let yourself swallowing by the preassure of your Family's wanting you to take." She walk to me and pat my head.

She smiled sweetly. " I'm so proud of you, always remember that." I nodded and sniff. I wipe my tears again. I don't think I still have a water in my body, I think I already drained.

Were now in front of our house, Mom is nowhere to be found but Dad said that she's on their room. I thinks it's a good idea so that I can leave at ease. And I guess I will just visit here every end of a Month.

Dad kiss my forehead so long, he lay his head on mine.

"I'm sorry for everything darling," he caress my cheek.

" be kind okay?." He kissed my forehead once again before he step forward. A tear fell on my left eye when I saw how hard it is for him to give away but his thankful that it will be his sister.

I inhaled and exhale to find air again. It's so hard to say goodbye, I been on this house since I'm young and I can't afford to leave but I have too.

"About the Mercado fam-." I didn't have a chance to finish it when Lester hush me.

"Ssh". He hugged me tight.

" Leave it to me, you will not Marry That Man, I swear." I smiled when I felt the anger he feel. His so protective ever since and he always says that I'm his Princess and no one will against it.

"I know what happened between Rex and You, That Motherf*cker." He whispered.

My eyes got bigger on what he just said. I supposed to open my mouth to ask him on how he knows it because it's just an moment ago. It's so impossible but he didn't let me.

" Rex texted me about it, don't worry I will not tell Dad and Mom, it's a Mission secret." he break the hug and put his index finger on his mouth like pretending me to say anything.

I laughed so hard because that's always we said to each other if we do things that our parents don't want us to do. We kept it as a secret and we call it a Mission Secret.

He smiled. Glad that he makes me smile. I raised my fist in front of me and he did the same way. We fist bump.

"Oh are you sure that you will not go with us?." Auntie Loreine ask one last time.

"No Auntie, I need to take care of Mom." He scratch his head. That's a bit lie, it's because his worried that his girl will take by some men. He might not tell us that he has a girlfriend, but I know he has.

"okay…" Auntie look at Dad.

" We're now going Lorenz, Lester." She go to the driver seat before I go to passenger seat, I look at them and smiled. A genuine one. Big brother raised his phone to say that call him when we get there. I nodded before I entered on the car.

" The trip will be long so you can sleep dear." I nodded to her. And close my eyes.

This is a good thing too so that Rex won't find me if ever he wants to talk to me or what. So many things happened today, I lost the person I thought I will be with forever and I even received a slapped at my own mother.

I wish that this journey of mine will be a good one and less hurt too. I might be strong outside or look hard but inside I'm so soft and bleeding. I can't express my feelings that easily that's why as much as possible, I'm more on actions than words.

A tear fell on my left cheek again. I can't believe I lost him. I'm grateful that it's still dark and the sun is still not rising so that Auntie won't see me pathetically crying. My eyes is close but I'm crying and make me even more hurt by the thought of.

What if this journey will be more painful.