Su Zhaoyue!

After a while, Su Tianhai recovered from the shock and said excitedly: "Okay! OK! My Su family, a real dragon is born today! Hahaha!"

He laughed loudly, and then said: "As for these people...They are all Qi Sea realm Practitioners. After being taken over, it will be of great help to the strength of our Su family, Ascension!"

"Then take it back!"

Su Zhan nodded without paying too much attention to it.

Su Tianhai patted Su Zhan on the shoulder, unable to restrain his surprise and said, "Zhan'er, if you hadn't killed all those who intended to murder my Su family today, our Su family would really suffer a catastrophe! Speaking of it, you kid has a talent for hiding his strength! Even your father has hidden it!"

Su Zhan smiled slightly: "Father, thanks to your medicinal materials, as for all the kills, it seems that one has been missed?"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Tianyun, who was standing behind and staring blankly, turned pale, his legs were soft, and he knelt on the ground with a plop!

"Su, Su Zhan, Patriarch, I, I was just confused for a while! I never meant to harm the Su family!"

"Whether you mean to harm the Su family, I can't be sure."

The cold light flashed in Su Zhan's eyes, and a sword pierced out.

"But, you want me to die, there is no doubt about this!"

The Frost Sword intent came, and Su Tianyun was slashed by a sword without any resistance!


Su Heng rushed forward, kneeling beside Su Tianyun crying heartbreakingly.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Su Zhan glanced at Su Heng, then turned around, ignoring it.

Su Tianyun deserved his sin. As for Su Heng, the biggest backer in the Su family has fallen, and life will not be easy in the future.

Afterwards, Su Zan glanced at the many guests present.

He said lightly: "Today, the three big clans, Elder Su Tianyun, intends to murder me. Now they have all received their due punishment. The Su family will collect their assets one by one in the near future. You are all celebrities from Qingcheng. Opinion?"

"No no! The three major families deserve their sins!"

"Young Master Su is a talented person who beats the three major families at the age of sixteen!"

"Master Su is handsome and handsome, he is a talented person. I happen to have a little girl who is also a shameless flower. I wonder if Master Su can meet him?"

Closed moon shame flower?

Su Zhan moved slightly in his heart and looked at the man: "How old is your daughter?"

"Nine years old this year!"

Nine years old!

Your uncle, you are still a primary school student at the age of nine!

Su Zhan's face turned dark: "Get out! Am I like such a beast?!"

The man was driven out with a depressed look.

In the Fantasy world, a woman who has grown up at the age of fourteen can already be married at the age of nine, so he would say such words.

The birthday party continues.

However, everyone at the banquet was not in the mood to eat and drink, and all their attention was focused on Su Zhan, who looked plain.

"This son is really the reincarnation of a real dragon. It's only the middle stage of Qi Sea realm at the age of sixteen! He managed to defeat the three big families with one person! It's terrifying!"

"Tianhan Sword Technique, but the common rank Sword Technique can cultivate a Sword intent in Su Zhan's hands. I think he is not the reincarnation of a true dragon, but the reincarnation of the heavenly sword immortal!"

"It's a pity that the old man's daughter is only seven years old, otherwise I have to introduce Young Master Su what happened, alas!"

The guests talked while drinking.

Su Zhan was a little speechless in the audience.

What these people are thinking in their heads, they can still be considered at the age of seventeen.

After dealing with the guests who had come up to make a relationship, Su Zhan continued to eat and drink.

It didn't take long for the birthday party to end.

He walked out of the banquet hall and returned to his residence.

In the next few days, the Su family began to take over the sites and resources of the three major families.

And Su Zhan also got the top Cultivation Technique and Martial Arts of the three major families.

They are all top grades.

"Now that I have Sword Technique, I still need a Movement Technique to enhance my combat power! And because of the poor talent, the cultivation technique of cultivation is just the usual cultivation technique of the Su family, and I can also change to a cultivation technique. !"

Su Zhan muttered to himself, his eyes fell on the entire Qingcheng, the strongest dozens of Cultivation Technique martial arts.

"Vajra tactics, temper the body, the bones are as hard as steel, and the strength is increased!"

"Wind step, you can use the power of the wind to make your figure erratic and increase your speed."

"Yan Fist, hit with one punch, forming a flame to kill the enemy!"

"The broken jade finger is a fingering technique that kills in one hit, it is only suitable for close combat!"

"Han Yugong can cultivate True Qi with the icy cold attribute, and kill the enemy while fighting!"


A Cultivation Technique, martial arts was quickly browsed by him.

In the end, he chose something suitable for his cultivation to start cultivation.

After half a month, the Su family completely mastered all the power of the three major families and became the only big family in Qingcheng!

And Su Zhan also walked out of the courtyard on this day.

Compared to half a month ago, his height was 5cm taller, his muscle lines became more symmetrical and perfect, even his temperament was more dusty, and there was a hint of the noble and coldness of Tianshan Snow Lotus.

That is the change brought to him by the "Vajra Jue" of physical training and martial arts and the "Han Yugong" of Cultivation Technique.

In the past half month, he has cultivated three martial arts and one Cultivation Technique to the extreme!

However, the halo panel has not changed, and a new halo has not been opened for a long time.

"It seems that if you want to open a new aura, you can't hide here and get bored, you still have to go for a walk!"

"In this world, not only humans are cultivated, but beasts are also cultivated into Demonic Beasts. Maybe I can go to the barren mountains outside the city to kill Demonic Beasts or something. The first time I hunt Demonic Beasts, maybe it is also an achievement mission?"

After murmured a few words, Su Zhan called up the main attribute panel.

[Host]: Su Zhan

[Cultivation Base]: Qi Sea realm middle stage

[Cultivation Technique]: Han Yugong (Dzogchen)

[Martial Arts]: Tian Han Sword Technique (climbing to the extreme) wind step (climbing to the extreme) broken jade finger (climbing to the extreme) Vajra Jue (climbing to the extreme)

Although it is only the Qi Sea realm middle stage, it has three culmination and even cultivation of the Sword Technique, footwork, fingering, and Cultivation Technique to the point of great perfection.

Su Zhan's combat power is already more condensed than most.

Yuanjing's Practitioner is still strong!

In the barren mountains outside Qingcheng, it is almost the same if you can walk sideways!

Just as he was about to leave Su's house, a maid walked up to him and said respectfully: "Young Master, the master is looking for you in a hurry!"

Urgent matter?

Now that the Qingcheng clan only has the Su family, what else can be urgent?

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and followed the maid to the room.

Su Tianhai has been waiting inside for a long time.

"Father, what can you do with me?"

"Zhan'er, do you remember Little Sister Teruyue who used to play with you when you were young?"

Teruetsu, Little Sister?

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and it took several seconds before he remembered.

Some puzzled asked: "It's Su Zhaoyue? I haven't seen her for eight or nine years, and I have forgotten the appearance. Dad, what did you say about this suddenly?"

Su Tianhai sighed, took out a marriage contract from his sleeve and placed it on the table.

Some helplessly said: "Zhan'er, the Su family in Tancheng and our Qingcheng Su family have some origins, and Su Zhaoyue's father and I are close friends.

We had an in-law relationship with him.

Later, Su Zhaoyue's father After passing away, everyone had almost forgotten about this matter, and no one mentioned it.

But yesterday, I received a copy of the flying pigeon from the Su family in Tancheng, saying that Su Zhaoyue had been silent for three years.

Once she awakened her talent, now she is too far away from you, and the marriage contract should be cancelled.

Man, I have already set off yesterday, I am afraid it will be coming soon! "

After listening to Su Tianhai's words, Su Zhan's face turned weird.

Never expected it!

The divorce who should have come when he was very weak is coming now!

He can tell those people with his current talent and strength, "Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi" or something like that.

Doesn't it seem appropriate?