"Sect Leader! You..."

"I told you to shut up, can't you hear me!"

Mo Canglan scolded again.

I was already a little annoyed in my heart.

This waste, his skills are not as good as humans, so he should kill a genius with a divine body?

Don't you know what the god body is?

As long as you don't die halfway, you will enter the Yulong Realm in the future!

In the Yulong Realm, the entire Xia Kingdom didn't know if there was such a strong man!

Yang Tiangui, a bastard, wanted to make him miss the opportunity to be a future peerless strong man in vain?

Moreover, after Su Zhan joined the Heavenly Fault Sect, in the future, his status as the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Fault Sect will not rise and become the Martial Dao giant of the entire Xia Kingdom?

Thinking of this, Mo Canglan became increasingly disgusted with Yang Tiangui.

He and Yang Tiangui were originally the relationship between Sect Leader and his disciple. Now this disciple is like a trash in front of Su Zhan. Why should he give up a true genius for a trash?

"Little friend Su, what do you think?"

Mo Canglan no longer paid attention to Yang Tiangui, turning his head and beheading Su.

Su Zhan was also a little surprised that Mo Canglan would suddenly change his face and invite himself to join the Heavenly Fault Sect, but this is a good thing for him now.

Yuan Dan realm powerhouse, he is not now able to match.

Looking at Yang Tiangui, Su Zhan said, "I don't want to tell you this beforehand. I want to ask, when did I sneak attack on Yang Tiangui, the noble sect?"

When this sentence was said, all eyes were converging towards Yang Tiangui.

"Su Zhan Lian can repel the main realm of soldiers, so he still needs to sneak attack him?"

"Couldn't it be Yang Tiangui who attacked Su Zhan and escaped with his arm cut off. Instead, the wicked person sued first, right?"

"It's not that there is no such possibility, I think that Young Master Su Zhan is so handsome, he is not that kind of despicable person at all!"

"Yes, yes, that Young Master Su Zhan has a unique temperament!"


Voices sounded one after another, and under the influence of the charm halo, I saw the scene where Su Zhan Yijian defeated the master of the main realm. Basically all the girls were one-sided to help Su Zhan speak.

The other male Practitioners also cast contemptuous glances at Yang Tiangui.

Yang Tiangui's answer is not important anymore.

With Su Zhan's sword defeating the old man in the main realm of soldiers, as long as you are not a fool, you can guess that Yang Tiangui has fabricated the facts!

At this time, Yang Tiangui was desperate.

He didn't even dream of it. Ten minutes ago, Mo Canglan, who was still trying to avenge him and killed Su Zhan, showed his favor to Su Zhan in a blink of an eye.

Have you agreed to avenge yourself?

It is said that to offend the Tianquezong disciple is to seek death?

He turned his head and changed his face!

Those onlookers filled with righteous indignation also leaned on Su Zhan's side at once.

It means he has been isolated now.

Facing Su Zhan who defeated the master of the main realm with a sword, Yang Tiangui finally felt uncontrollable fear in his heart at this time.

The voice trembled: "No, it's not what you think! Yes, yes, yes..."

"What is it?"

Su Zhan's tone was cold. He watched Yang Tiangui, who was stupefied for a long time, and he couldn't tell why. He continued: "Since you insisted that I was attacking you, now you can shoot at me. I only use one hand to see. Do I need to attack you?"

"Do not!"

Hearing this, Yang Tiangui's whole body was erected!

Su Zhan is so terrifying, isn't he looking for death?

Seeing Yang Tiangui's wretched look, Mo Canglan frowned and said, "Trash, with the strength of Su Zhan, you still need to sneak attack on you? It's clear that you framed Su Zhan! You didn't kneel down and apologize to Su Zhan. !"

"Kneel... apologize?"

Yang Tiangui froze for a moment, and knelt down with a bitter face after sensing Mo Canglan's anger.

"Su, Su Zhan, I slandered you, yes, I'm sorry!"

Yang Tiangui's voice was trembling, partly because of fear and partly because of feeling shame.

The first genius in Liangzhou dignified, he was cut off from his arm, and he actually knelt down and apologized to that person!

If it hadn't been for knowing that even if his strength had risen several times, he wouldn't be Su Zhan's opponent, Yang Tiangui could not help fighting Su Zhan desperately at this time!

Shame, too shame!

Mo Canglan said: "How about, are you satisfied with Su Zhan?"

Su Zhan shook his head: "Yang Tiangui said in the ruins himself that he wanted to kill me. If I let him go today, wouldn't it be troublesome for myself?"

"No, no, no! I was talking nonsense to scare you!"

Yang Tiangui paled and hurriedly defended.


Su Zhan said calmly: "If this is the case, your words are not credible, maybe you are lying to me now? Actually, in your heart, you have already begun to plan how to avenge me in the future, right?"


You can defeat the Bingzhu Realm, so much ass!

Yang Tiangui wanted to cry but didn't know how to explain it.

"Little friend Su Zhan, about Yang Tiangui, we will talk about it when we return to Tianquezong."

"No, this matter must be resolved first."

Mo Canglan frowned, "Is it right that Yang Tiangui is dead, so you will join me in the Heavenly Que Sect?"


Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said, "I still need to think about it."

Sect Leader who was able to execute his Sect disciple mercilessly for an outsider, to be honest, Su Zhan had a bad impression on him.

Naturally, such a Sect, he has to consider it carefully.

"Still need to consider?"

Mo Canglan's face sank, and he said displeased: "Little friend Su Zhan, you have seen the sincerity of our Tianque Sect.

What else is there to consider? If you agree to join our Tianque Sect, Yang Tiangui will leave it to you.

Otherwise...you, Su Zhan, although you are a big sun divine body, after all, you are only a condensed elementary realm...you, do you understand what I mean?"

Mo Canglan's patience was almost worn out by Su Zhan, and at this time he was also threatening.

In his opinion, no matter what the reason, the Heavenly Fault Sect is the most suitable choice for Su Zhan, and his dignified Yuan Dan realm powerhouse has already put down his posture in this way, Su Zhan still does not nod his head, it is really not to give him a face!

"You Tianquezong, are you also worthy of a god body Tianjiao Giving face?"

At this moment, another figure came with a sword.

He was a tall and middle-aged man wearing a gray robe.

He glanced at Mo Canglan, then looked at Su Zhan, his eyes were extremely hot: "This little friend Su, I am Yun Tian Jianmen Elder Chen Changfeng, and we have Yun Tian Jianmen.

The best cultivation technique, martial arts, the best cultivation place, the best Martial Dao lecturer, the strongest Practitioner in the entire Xia country, if you want, you are welcome to come to our Yun Tian sword gate!"

Yun Tian Jianmen...

Information about this Sect appeared in his mind, and Su Zhan's eyes were faintly bright.

Now his Cultivation Technique and martial arts can't keep up with Cultivation Base, and Yun Tian Jianmen is the No. 1 Sect in the Xia Kingdom, and is also specialized in kendo, which really fits his mind very well.

After thinking about it, Su said: "Can Elder Chen do me a favor and let me and Yang Tiangui have a fair duel. This person penetrates the bone that I hate. If I leave like this today, I am afraid he will try to kill me in the future. , And even harm my family!"

"I've heard some of your conversations just now, this person is of poor character, even if you don't join me Yun Tian Jianmen, this is a favor, I also helped!"

Chen Changfeng patted his chest.


Su Zhan nodded and walked directly to Yang Tiangui.