
The talented stone pillar trembles more intensely!

The light covered above is ten times more dazzling than before!

If an ordinary person without cultivation Martial Dao is in Fenghua Hall, it is no exaggeration to say that this stone pillar can flash him into a blind man!


This is...

Su Zhan looked at the stone pillar ahead with some doubts.

Under the golden light, a small crack appeared on the surface of the gray stone pillar!

This crack spreads towards the extreme speed, one is divided into two, two is divided into four... The next moment.

It is rumored that it was created by the founding ancestor himself, and is one of the most treasures of the Yun Tian Sword Sect.

Su Zhan reacted quickly and swept back, watching with a little surprise that the talented stone pillar collapsed and fell into the pool.

"The talented stone pillar...destroyed?"

At this time, the crowd of Elders still didn't react.

"The talented stone pillar can show even the talent of the divine body, how could it be ruined like this?"

"Divine bodies also have strengths and weaknesses, and, have you not discovered that before Su Zhan inspired the divine bodies, his talents had almost reached the pinnacle of the talented stone pillars?"

"If you say so, isn't this talent too enchanting, even the talented stone pillars are not capable of revealing it with a certain kind of vision, which exceeds the maximum limit that the talented stone pillars can test, causing the magic circle in it to be disordered, so it collapses!"

"This kind of talent... I'm afraid it only exists in the legend!"


It took a few seconds before all the Elders recovered from their shock. They sucked in air-conditioning one by one, and looked at Su Zhan's gazes, filled with weirdness.

Miao Elder's eyes turned, revealing a kind smile, and he said, "Su Zhan, there are many difficulties on the road to cultivation. If there is a guide to guide you and solve various cultivation problems, your god body qualifications will definitely be better. Play hard, if you don't mind—"

"Miao Elder is right!"

Liu Elder interrupted: "If you are willing, I want to accept you as the only personal disciple!"

"Liu Fan! You bastard dare to snatch my apprentice!"

Miao Elder suddenly became furious, the true essence of the original pill realm turned slightly, and the entire Great Hall heard a "rumbling" thunderous sound!

"Miao Hai! I let you the genius last time. You have several disciples with good aptitudes. Are you still not satisfied?"

Liu Elder is also unwilling to show weakness, but also unleashes power.

"Okay! Shut me up!"

The head Qin Jincheng waved his hand, and the power of the two disappeared instantly.

"Dignified sword gate Elder, scramble like a child, how decent he is!"

"What the head teaches is!"

The two suddenly accepted their mistakes.

But they were still staring at each other.

At this moment, the head Qin Jincheng looked at Su Zhan, with a gentle smile on his staid face: "Su Zhan, I am the head of the Yun Tian swordsman.

I am the biggest here.

I can give you what they give you.

I'm okay if they can't do it, otherwise, you still consider accepting me as a teacher... ahem! You said it wrong, consider me as a teacher?"

As soon as these words came out, the six powerful Elders looked at Qin Jincheng instantly.


It turns out that we didn't fight for you to accept apprentices?

Sure enough, the older you are, the more you don't wanting face!

The Big Six Elder lamented in his heart.

The heads are all shot, they still have a fart opportunity!

Chen Changfeng stood aside, watching all this, hehe in his heart.

Daddy stayed with Su Zhan for so long, but he had exhausted all his options.

It's almost sensual, and he couldn't let him worship me as a teacher. Just rely on you?

think too much!

Is it so easy to accept as an apprentice and it's your turn?

At this time, Su Zhan also spoke.

"Head, Elder, I don't think apprenticeship should be hasty. I don't have such an idea recently. If I want to apprenticeship someday, I will take the initiative to look for you."

If this sentence is heard by other Yun Tian Jianmen disciples, I am afraid that they will be shocked and speechless.

The Elder of the Yuan Dan realm, the leader wants to accept disciples, even if you refuse, you still say something that you want to apprentice and look for it again. It seems that these Elders and the leader are always waiting!

But those Elders in Yuandan realm were not angry when they heard this sentence.

Neither the great sun god body nor the talented stone pillar can express his enchanting talent, Su Zhan has the qualifications to say!

"If that's the case, then I won't force it."

Qin Jincheng nodded, and was not angry at Su Zhan's attitude, just a little bit lost.

Ask yourself, he is actually not qualified to be a master of the divine body.

"Su Zhan, although you have no intention of apprenticeship, you can enter my Yun Tian sword gate with your talent, and deserve the best cultivation resources."

As Qin Jincheng spoke, he took out a token from the storage ring.

The real yuan between the fingers converged and flicked on the token.

"Of course, the rules of our Yun Tian Sword Sect inheritance for thousands of years cannot be easily broken.

You are in the Ning Yuan Realm, or you can only become an inner disciple.

However, with this token, in the future, the Yun Tian Sword Sect will not only be private domains and a few places.

Outside the forbidden area, you are not restricted!"

As soon as the voice fell, the token flew towards Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took a look.

His name is engraved on the front, and Qin Jincheng's signature is on the back...

Is this an identity card?

Su Zhan weighed it and tried to inject a trace of real energy.

Suddenly, the token gleamed, and a ray of light stretched out from the token, connecting his eyebrows.

He was shocked in his heart, and immediately discovered that this ray of light was just passing various information and rules of the Yun Tian sword gate to him, and he calmed down.

After a few seconds, the light disappeared, and he also had some explicit stipulations of the Yun Tian sword gate in his mind, as well as maps of various places.

"This is your identity token. Within the scope of Yun Tian Sword Gate, Sect can also pass some information to you through this token, so you can put it on your body without having to put it in storage space."


Su Zhan nodded.

"In addition, your residence is on the 17th of Baiyun Peak, you have absorbed the information in the token, should you know where it is?"

Baiyun Peak is the strongest mountain in the entire Yun Tian Jianmen Tiandi Spiritual Qi.

The entire mountain is itself a super-gathering Spiritual Qi array. Every three months, the Spiritual Qi array will be launched once, and Spiritual Qi will flood Baiyun Peak like rain.

That is a place where only true disciples can live!

With these messages in his mind, Su Zhan smiled slightly, and said, "I know, if there is nothing else to do with the head, the disciple will retire first."

"Go! I look forward to the day when you grow into a peerless power in the future!"

Qin Jincheng smiled.

"This child can enter my Yun Tian sword gate, great fortune!"

When Su Zhan left, he smiled and sighed.

Several other Elders were equally embarrassed.

After a sigh, everyone's eyes gathered in the pool again.

Miao Elder sighed, "A talented stone pillar! It has been standing for a thousand years, but it was ruined!"

Liu Elder also had some feelings: "Although it is ruined, it is worth witnessing the birth of a peerless arrogant!"

Qin Jincheng frowned and said, "Su Zhan is a divine body, so let him show his divine body talent. Why do you insist on bringing him to Fenghua Hall?"

"Well, I have to ask Brother Chen, isn't he insisting on calling us to let us ignorant guys see the genius he brought back?"

The eyes focused on Chen Changfeng.

Chen Changfeng hurriedly said: "I can't be blamed for this! Besides, don't you also believe it?

Moreover, I also want to see Su Zhan's strongest talent! "

"Then you just let him get rid of the stone pillars of our thousand-year-old talent?"

Qin Jincheng displeased.


Chen Changfeng's mouth twitched and his face was depressed.

Who could have thought that Su Zhan's talent was so abnormal? ? ?