In half a month, he had already learned the Yang Yan Zhenjing.

The true essence is transformed into the Yangyan true essence, which is much more domineering than the cold jade true essence before!

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[Host]: Su Zhan

[Age]: 16

[Realm]: Ning Yuan Jing middle stage

[Cultivation Technique]: Yang Yan Zhen Jing (Introduction)

[Martial Arts]: Flowing Fire Sword Technique (Xiaocheng) Floating Light Glimpse (Xiaocheng) Yanbangquan (Xiaocheng) Open Mountain Palm (Xiaocheng) Tianhan Sword Technique (Mountain Peak) Wind Step (Mountain Peak) Vajra Jue (Mountain Peak) Broken Jade Finger ( To the top)

In just half a month, Fan-level Han Yugong was replaced with Yangyan Zhenjing, and the four high-rank martial arts of the four mysterious levels were also cultivated to the point of being small!

A smile appeared on Su Zhan's face.

The cultivation difficulty of Xuanjie's martial arts is ten times more difficult than that of Fanjie. He can reach this level in a short time, and he is very satisfied.

He possesses the Movement Technique for short-distance fast dodge movement like the floating light and glancing shadow, the Fist Technique and the palm technique that tends to erupt like the palm of the fire fist, as well as his most powerful Sword Technique.

Now his strength is ascension as before.

Big cut, just wait for the great gathering of spirits to start, with the help of the power of the rain, breakthrough to the late stage and even the peak of the Ning Yuan realm in one fell swoop!

At that time, you can prepare to make a breakthrough in the main realm of soldiers!

The host state of soldiers, condensing the weapons of life, not only greatly increases their own strength, but at the same time, with the help of the power of the weapons of life, you can burst out extremely powerful attacks!

Practitioners of this level are considered to be strong in all parts of Xia Kingdom!

One side strong...

Su Zhan shook his head when the figure of the old man in the main realm of Tianquezong soldier who was smashed by his own sword flashed in his mind.

After all, the previous Su Zhan was only a Practitioner in a small place. Perhaps he lacked knowledge of a Practitioner of this level. At least, in his opinion, the Practitioner was definitely not a strong one.

It seems that in the future, I will also have to look at various materials related to this aspect, and the memory inherited in my mind may not be accurate.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan sat down in the front yard, slowly calming his mind, waiting for the rain to fall.


On the Baiyun Peak.

Twenty-three true disciples are also ready to take over the spiritual rain.

"Everyone, Yu was only close to entering the middle stage of the soldier's main realm, and I hope that you will let Yu at this time, and I will definitely come to thank you in the future!"

A loud voice rang from Baiyun Peak, which contained powerful true essence, which made this voice spread throughout Baiyun Peak, and even many people heard it from above and below.

"Yu... is Yu Tian in Immortal Cave on the 24th!"

"He has not been a true disciple for less than a year, but is he going to breakthrough Realm again?"

"In one year, from the early stage cultivation to the middle stage of the main soldier realm, it's amazing!"

"Nonsense! You think they are the same as you! On Baiyun Peak, all of them are exceptionally talented!"


There was a lot of discussion under Bai Yunfeng.

At this moment, several more voices rang from Baiyun Peak.

"Yu Tian, ​​if you are willing to divide the Millennium Ginseng given to you by Elder into half, I am willing to absorb some less spiritual rain while waiting, so that you have a greater chance of reaching the middle stage!"

"Yes, if you want us to let you, then take advantage of it!"

"Otherwise you call me Dad, and Dad loves my son, that's a matter of course, I will naturally let you, hehe!"

Yu Tiangang was ready to respond, and suddenly saw a Daoist shadow appearing above an Immortal Cave not far away, and immediately held back his words.

That Daoist shadow is condensed by a function of Immortal Cave formation, it is not very clear, but the moment when this Daoist shadow appeared, the faces of those who laughed at Yutian on Baiyun Peak changed slightly, and closed. Mouth.

The first true disciple, Qi Yang!

"The road to Martial Dao was originally a road full of thorns. You don't want Ascension yourself, but you want others to let you, with such aspirations, also deserve to live in Baiyunfeng?"

"What Brother Qi taught!"

Yu Tian said quickly.

Obviously afraid of Qi Yang.

"Okay, stop talking, wait for Lingyu!"

Qi Yang's shadow disappeared.

Baiyun Peak fell silent.

But not too much, another voice sounded.

"Senior Qi Yang, this is Wang Hao. You are right. If you want it, you have to fight for it yourself. I don't know Senior Brother Qi Yang, how much spiritual rain are you going to fight for?"

"How many spiritual rains do I plan to compete for, what does it have to do with you?"

Qi Yang's words were cold.

Wang Hao smiled: "The spirit gathering array will drop at most 30,000 drops of spiritual rain each time it is activated. I plan to absorb 20,000, brother, how about you and you all share the remaining 10,000?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar outside Baiyun Peak!

"Brother Wang Hao is going to challenge Senior Brother Qi Yang?"

"Although Wang Hao and Qi Yang have the same strength in Cultivation Base, after all, Qi Yang is the sacred body of the white flood, which is rare in a century. How can Wang Hao win over Qi Yang?"

"I'm also very curious. In the past, Brother Qi Yang was the first in the spirit and rain competition, and Brother Wang Hao was the second. Today, Brother Wang Hao actually said such arrogant words in public. Where is his confidence?"

"Look at it, the Spirit Gathering Array has been launched!"


Voices sounded one after another.

At the top of Baiyun Peak, a trace of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi gathers, compresses, and condenses.

In the end, it turned into a raindrop!

"Wang Hao, don't you want to know how many Spirit Rain I plan to fight for?"

Qi Yang's arrogant voice sounded: "This time I will take 80% of the Spirit Rain Conference. You only need to divide 20%!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was already running the Cultivation Technique, drawing the rain that dripped first to absorb it!

"Then wait and see!"

Wang Hao smiled, and also began to pull Lingyu.

On Baiyun Peak, all the people concentrate on running the Cultivation Technique, drawing as much spiritual rain as possible.

On a small mountain not far from Baiyun Peak.

Chen Changfeng and the more leisurely Elder also sat around the long table, watching the rain fall.

"Wang Hao is too arrogant."

"Young man, it's normal to be a little arrogant, besides, he also has the capital to be arrogant!"

"Wang Hao, Qi Yang, we, Yun Tian Jianmen, two of the best geniuses in these decades, who do you think will be the ultimate winner of this spirit rain competition?"

"That means it must be Qi Yang!"

"I can't say it well, Wang Hao dare to say something like that, maybe he got some kind of adventure, and his talent is ascension again!"

"What's the use of Ascension? Wang Hao is the sacred body of the Baijiao, look at it, he has inspired the sacred body!"


Just as several Elders were talking, a white flood phantom appeared above the Immortal Cave on the No. 1 Baiyun Peak, with a big mouth, greedily swallowing spiritual rain!

Almost at the moment when the phantom of the white dragon appeared, thunder suddenly burst above the second Immortal Cave, and the rays of thunder and the gust of wind intertwined into a huge vortex, engulfing a large swath of spiritual rain!

"Fenglei Eucharist! Unexpectedly, Wang Hao's violent thunder spirit body turned into Fenglei Eucharist!"

"No wonder, no wonder Wang Hao dared to say such arrogant words!"

"The two sacraments... this is really a bad idea!"

"Brother Chen, you are our Yun Tian Jianmen Elder. The strength is the strongest here. From your point of view, Wang Hao and Qi Yang, who can win the final victory?"

All Elder's eyes focused on Chen Changfeng.

Chen Changfeng glanced at the Elders, showing a slight smile.

"You never thought that the person who won the first prize this time may not be Wang Hao or Qi Yang, but someone else?"