Chapter 26

"Immortal Cave on the 17th, since the accidental death of Senior Brother Baihen, it has been vacant. Who are you and why are you here?"

"Baiyun Peak is unacceptable to the truth, how did you come up?"

"You just caused the phantom of the great sun?"


As soon as the door opened, the true disciples immediately asked in a rush.

Su Zhan glanced at those people and said, "I am the inner disciple who has just started half a month ago. This residence is arranged by the head. This is a token issued by the head. If you have nothing else, please let me. , I want to go down the mountain."

"The token issued by the head?"

"It is indeed a special identity token portrayed by the master himself! Wang Hao and Senior Brother Qi Yang also have them, I can't go wrong with them!"

"Junior Brother Su can live in Baiyunfeng as an inner disciple, genius!"

"Junior Brother Su, who is not in the Ning Yuan realm, can actually take more than 90% of the spiritual rain, which really makes me ashamed!"

"Although the battle for Lingyu mainly depends on talent, but that is because everyone on Baiyun Peak is a master of soldiers, and the gap will not be too big.

But now, Junior Brother Su is short of a big Realm.

To have this kind of achievement, it seems that the talent is I have been thrown out and I have waited too far!"

"Senior Brother Su, I'm your Senior Sister Lin Qian, and I live in the bamboo forest ten miles away from your Immortal Cave. If you have time, come and play with Senior Sister!"


After confirming Su Zhan's identity, the true disciples all squeezed out a smile and wanted to make friends with Su Zhan.

They are not fools, Su Zhan is so talented, and has the head of the hand-carved token, the future will be shining bright, at this time, if Su Zhan is weak, it will be difficult in the future!

Besides, the Lingyu is gone, even though I feel very upset, it's useless to investigate Su Zhan now.

"Huh! I do have a token issued by the head, but that is after becoming a true disciple!"

Qi Yang watched those people please Su Zhan, feeling very upset, and said: "Unlike this Junior Brother, who can get it in a small Ning Yuan Realm, I doubt the authenticity of this Junior Brother's token!"

Su Zhan said calmly: "That's your own problem."

Qi Yang's eyes were cold, and his face was gloomy: "The head can never portray an identity token to someone who has not reached the master state of soldiers. Where did your token come from! Do you know that forging identity tokens privately is a big crime!"


Can fake ones open Baiyunfeng's formation and enter Baiyunfeng?

It seems that most of this person is training his brain!

Su Zhan glanced at Qi Yang, didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and left.

Seeing that Su Zhan didn't give his face, Qi Yang's forehead bounced with blue veins, and his heart became a little angry.

"I am the first true disciple, and I have the responsibility to maintain the order of Baiyun Peak. If you don't let me check today, then don't even think about going down the mountain!"

Qi Yang moved and stopped in front of Su Zhan with a bad tone.

Su Zhan frowned, thought about it, and passed the token in his hand.

Qiyang's Cultivation Base has reached the pinnacle of the main realm of soldiers. The natal soldiers have been conceived for several years. They are powerful, and they are not necessarily Qiyang opponents before they have condensed their own natal soldiers.

Moreover, Su Zhan didn't want to do it at this time, he just wanted to quickly prepare the materials to condense his life force and breakthrough to the main state of the soldier.

"This token..."

Qi Yang took the token, his face changed slightly.

Somewhat unbelievable.

It's actually true!

However, how could the head give a special identity token to a disciple of the Ning Yuan realm?

Even Qi Yang doesn't have this kind of honor!

"Have you seen enough?"

At this moment, Su Zhan's voice sounded.

Qi Yang's face was ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "It's okay."

"See it clearly this time, don't waste my time next time."

Taking the token from Qi Yang's hand, Su Zhan glanced at Qi Yang and turned back down the mountain.

"The truth is first, but that's it."

Su Zhan's voice sounded.

Qi Yang looked ugly and clenched his fists.

If he hadn't cared about Su Zhan's identity, he had already shot Su Zhan and killed him!

I want him to be the first in the dignified truth, and he is respected in the Yun Tian sword gate. When has it been said in this tone?

What a shame!

However, Su Zhan Ning's Yuan realm can live in Baiyun Peak, and his talent is so abnormal, he must be highly valued by the head. If you want to punish Su Zhan, I am afraid that you have to think and become proficient and think of a good way.

Qi Yang stared at Su Zhan's back, thinking in his heart.

Su Zhan walked down the downhill stone path of Baiyun Peak. This scene was seen by many inner disciples, and they were a little surprised.

Because the true disciple in their memory is not Su Zhan.

"It's him! Su Zhan!"

Zhao Li stared at Su Zhan, his eyes gleaming, and he said to the younger brother on the side: "Quickly, go and notify Senior Brother Luan Jian, that person is Su Zhan!"

"Forget it, I don't need you, I will go by myself!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Li changed his attention again and turned away excitedly.

Today is the big day of the entire Inner Sect, Luan Jian also came to watch this grand event under Baiyun Peak.

Of course, being the number one Inner Sect, he is different from the disciples who huddled together.

At this moment, he was in a large pavilion, drinking with several other powerful men of Inner Sect while enjoying the spirit rain competition.

"Ling Yu! It is rumored that once bathed in Ling Yu is worth a few months of practice!"

"More than that, the spiritual rain also has the effect of strengthening the physique. If I can also bathe in the spiritual rain once, it would be great!"

"You, don't think about it, but Brother Luan is still possible!"

Several Inner Sect powerhouses are joking.

When Luan Jian heard what they said, thinking of Su Zhan's affairs, his heart became more upset.

It is also the inner disciple of the Ningyuan Realm. As the number one Inner Sect, he is watching from the bottom of the mountain, Su Zhan, a new beginner, can bathe in spiritual rain!

It's so unfair!

The more Luan Jian thought about it, the more annoying he got, and Gulu took a sip of wine.

"Senior Brother Luan! That Su Zhan appeared!"

Zhao Li's voice sounded.

Luan Jian's eyes condensed, looking at Zhao Li who was running over, and said in a deep voice, "Where is he!"

"Just above the mountain road!"

Zhao Li's hand pointed towards the mountain.

"But Brother Luan, Su Zhan hasn't gone down the mountain for half a month. I'm afraid that he has been practicing hard in the Closed Door Training. After bathing in the rain, maybe he has reached the late stage of the Ning Yuan realm!"

"Huh! Ning Yuan realm late stage, what's the point! The same Realm, the difference in combat power is huge, even if it is ten Su Zhan, it is difficult to stop me!"

Luan Jian looked at Su Zhan on the stone road, then glanced at the inner disciple surrounding Baiyun Peak, his expression excited.

"God helped me too!"

"It just so happened that the inner disciple gathered today. It is estimated that many of Elder are watching. I defeated Su Zhan in front of everyone. Elder will definitely make a decision and let me live in Baiyun Peak too!"

"Otherwise, the entire inner disciple will feel uneasy! Hahaha, I haven't waited in vain for this half month. Today is the best time for me to defeat Su Zhan!"