Chapter 21 (Authorverse/Naruverse)

Midnight-sama came up to me and handed me the results. Three votes to Naruto and one to Sakura. Guess Sakura's gonna stay a useless cherry for a while . . . now, how am I gonna do this . . .

Oh! Hehehe I've got an idea~ but this means I've gotta (well want to) go back in time again. What? I wanna see Maddy and Hashi. And I guess Tobi.

I don't want to look exactly like a fem Naruto . . . hmmm, I can make the ends of my hair red! And I'm gonna be taller, I don't like being short.

Let's see~ what else . . . let's manipulate my DNA a little too, now, if I was Sakura this would be easier cause she part of the Haruno's. I could have made the excuse that over the years, different DNA from different clans mixed into my line and that it only unlocked within me.

It shouldn't be too hard though . . . right? Hmmm . . . wait . . . why don't I just give myself some Otsutsuki DNA. I'll have to explain to the Hokage at some point on how I have these Kekkei Genkai, so this is the easiest way honestly.

I feel like it would be harder trying to explain (read as convince) Hiruzen that I'm somehow related to Hashirama just like . . . shit, what's her name? Uhhhhhhh, I'll just call her Baa-chan for now.

Or wait, instead of saying that I have Otsutsuki DNA, I could say that I'm a reincarnated Otsutsuki. Which will I choose . . . reincarnated . . . yeah.

I'll have to ask Hiruzen to not tell anyone cause if Danzo and the other Civilian head's got wind of it, they would CRA my ass. I studder at that thought.

Now that I'm done with that, what should my Kekkei Genkai's be? Yes, plural. I'm a god, what do you expect. Wait . . . I sound like Pain. Anyways~

Now that I think about it more, the Otsutsuki have a lot of possible Kekkei Genkai that they could get, wait didn't some get multiple?

I take wood release, I'm not really interested in Bakugan but it my be useful at some point . . . like seeing chakra points. Sharingan cause it's awesome. I'll make it so I get Rinnegan at some point, there's people I'ma have to revive. Just with these, I'm overpowered!

Man! I'm gonna fuck up the story line, that or throw people through a loop.

Now that I have that handled, I'm gonna go back in time. In Otsutsuki form of course, can't have Hiruzen recognizing me instantly in the future!

I grew taller and paler as my hair turned white instead of that pale blue some of them have. I know that they say that they have white hair but it looks blue.

Small horns pop out and I decided to make my eyes gold. What? I wanna be unique. Perfect~

I close my eyes and disappear in a bright glow, back in time I go.

Different POV -

Madara and Hashirama skipped rocks across the water, unaware of a set of eyes watching them. Just then, a bright light began to glow, getting bigger in bigger. Soon it was in the form of a humanoid.

As the light dispersed, Madara, Hashirama, and the unknown third party, see a pale women who looked strange yet beautiful. What was strange about her to them was that she had horns. But to the one in the bushes, Tobirama, what he found strange was her chakra.

To him, it felt bottomless, he could tell this women was powerful, but what truly caught him off guard was that there was no ill-intent, no bloodlust.

She opened her eyes and her gaze pierced them. Chills went down their spines. Hashirama and Madara had one thought, we're going to die.

At least that was what they thought until she smiled softly at them and her soft voice rang out.


My POV -

"Hello" I said to them as I glided to the ground still smiling at them.

"W-who are y-you?" Madara stuttered, nearly making me do a double take. Madara stuttered? Hashirama also looked a little taken a back.

"My name, is-" Wait! What should I say my name is!?! Ahh fuck it. "-Kyra, Otsutsuki Kyra".

"W-hy are you here?" Hashirama asked this time. I smiled and looked up at the sky.

"You could say that I'm just visiting" I looked down and pat their heads with a closed eye smile "You two remind me of some people that I used to know. They were part of my clan, but passed long ago."

Hashirama tilted his head but it was Madara who asked. "Who?"

"Indra Otsutsuki and Asura Otsutsuki, they were brothers." Madara looked deep in thought. Hmmm . . . seems like he vaguely knows the names. At least the name of Indra, the creator of the Uchiha.

"Now, I'll hopefully see you again in the future, until then, good bye." I turned and floated back into the sky.

"Wait!" I turned to looked at Hashirama.

"Hmmm?" I tilted my head.

"Can we be friends?!?" I froze but then my smile widened.

"Yes . . . yes I like that." I bowed and made a jump through time, twirling a thought within my mind. Friends with Hashirama Senju.

As I was popped back into reality, I looked around, nothings really changed has it? Except for the people.

Let's see~ Tobirama is bleeding out in the forest, Madara and some of his clansmen are trying to stop a fellow clansmen from bleeding out. And Hashirama is freaking out because he doesn't know where his brother is.

Just then, Tobirama passes out. I freeze his body to stop him from losing blood and I head to Madara's location.

I see him standing with his men, trying to stop the dying man from, well, dying. His eyes snapped up with his weapon drawn along with all of his comrades. When he saw my face he relaxed and lowered his weapon, confusing his comrades.

I smile at Madara. "Hello, Maddy~" His eye twitched. I smirked "Awww~ what's wrong, Maddy~". He was about to say something when I pat his head. His face softens.

"It's good to see you again Otsutsuki-san."

"Call my Kyra." I turn to the man on the ground. "Damn, what happened to him." I shake my head and wave my hand over him, making him float. "Let's see . . . stab wound to the abdomen . . . severe blood loss . . . one fractured rid, three broken ribs . . . a pierced lung, what the hell man." I shake my head again with wide eyes.

I narrow my eyes. "Now what's the best way to heal him . . . maybe . . ." I focus my chakra into my hands and place them on his chest, pushing some of my chakra into him. I watched as his injures healed within seconds. I blinked. "That worked better then I expected."

Madara's head snapped up. "You didn't know if it would work?" I put my hands up.

"It was the first time I ever healed someone Madara! What do you expect? Me to know everything?" That's when it hit me, I forgot about Tobirama! "Shit! I'm so sorry Madara! I have to go! This is most likely the last time you see me so . . ." I sprung forward and gave him a quick hug before turning around and running off. Little did I know (I did know) that Madara had a slight blush on his face.

I've actually been meeting up with him as Hashirama after we first met. I thought that it would suck to only see them a few times so I made a clone that visited them throughout the years. I got the memories when I landed in this time.

I made it back to Tobirama and pushed my chakra into him, making him heal slower then the first guy. I teleported to the entrance of the Senju clan and I saw Hashirama there. As I walked up I continued to heal Tobirama, when Hashirama finally saw me.

His eyes flickered to me then to his brother. He rushed to me before the guards could stop him.

"What happened to him Kyra?!?" Hashirama asked me panicked.

"I don't know. When I found him his was laying in the middle of a clearing, passed out." With that, I turned myself back to Tobirama and pushed my chakra in him faster. His wounds closed quickly but then I saw something that made me go paler then I already was.

"Fuck." Normally, Hashirama would blush at my crud words but he could tell that something was wrong.

"W-what is it?"

"He somehow got an infection! How long was he gone?"

"Three days"

I looked back down at the wound I just healed and cursed. "Does anyone have a blade? If I don't get rid of the infection, he'll die. Hashirama wiped out a kunai against the protest of the guards and handed it to me. I waved my hand and the blood on his skin cleared off. How to do this . . . I began to focus more then more blood went to my head. I could see everything, which caught me off guard but I shook it off.

I made in incision and cleaned and gave the kunai back to Hashirama. I hovered my hand over the incision and I drew the pus out. I wrinkled my nose at the sulfuric smell that came from it but continued to draw it out. My eyes narrowed when I saw some black blood come out as well. Poison? I began to draw the out as well, I transferred some blood from some people who had a O+.

I patched him up again and relaxed. I smiled at Hashirama. "He'll be fine, he'll just need to rest for a while. Oh! And don't let him use chakra for a day of two after he wakes up. It might interfere with his recovery." Hashirama tears up and tackles me in a hug.

I pat his head. "I have to go now Hashi, I'll see you in the future." I lean forward. "Good luck being Hokage." He blinks and before he could ask what I meant, I went through time again.

I landed back on the ground at the entrance of the Senju Clan. Huh.

I sped to when the Leaf was and landed at the Entrance where Hashirama was waiting for me. What the hell?

I hugged him not noticing that people where staring. I looked him up and down and nodded to myself. I looked him in the eye. "You looked good with long hair! For some reason I was expecting the horrible bowl cut you used to have!"

Hashi's cheeks turned bright red and he pouted. "It wasn't that bad~" I pat his head.

"What ever helps you sleep at night." Hashi looks like he's about to go sulk when he pops up again and grabs my hand, dragging me. "Where are we going?".

"I have a meeting and I want you to join me" he pauses "only if you want to of course." I chuckle and nod my head. He lights up and starts to drag me again.

Soon we're at the meeting and he drags me in through the doorway where people were waiting. I looked around seeing younger faces. Hiruzen, Tobirama, and Danzo were some of them. My smile drops when I can't find Madara.

"So he's gone." I state. Hashirama nods with a sad expression. I shake my head and smile. "It's good to see that your in good health Tobirama!" Tobirama nods to me with a stoic expression but if you look close enough, you would be able to see his slight blush.

"It is nice to see that you are also in good health Otsutsuki-san."

"Just call me Kyra" I look back at Hashi "The Leaf seems to be running well, just know that other Shinobi Villages will be popping up soon. Oh! And due to this, Villages may try to take children of the Hyuga and the Uchiha clans so you'll have to be careful." Hashirama nods and I give him a hug.

"Let's see what to say before I leave . . .Oh! First, fuck you Danzo! Next, Hiruzen, I'ma appear to you in the future, so be ready for that. Finally, Tobirama" He tenses waiting for what I'm going to say to him. "Don't be too hard on the Uchiha, I know you have an extreme dislike for them but you need to chill." I give him a quick hug and run up to Hashirama one last hug. "This is most likely the last time we see each other my old friend."

"I'll miss you Kyra." I heard him whisper as I did one final jump before I 'reincarnate'.

I make sure that I land in the Hokage's office, startling Hiruzen, who looked a lot older.

He nods to me, signaling for me to speak.

"So this is the end my friend." His eyes widen.


"This is the end of my body, Kyra Otsutsuki will die today."

"Why? Why now? And why wait to tell me?"

I smile sadly at him. "This body is old, very old, older then the Sage of Six Paths. And I'm telling you because I'm reincarnating. I wanted to tell you that because I will come to you again." I bowed "Good bye".

And with that I 'passed' my body coming apart just like in SAO.