
Notice: The last two chapters have undergone editing. You can clear cache and reread again for a better experience. Cheers.


''Why do I want her so bad?''

Rochester grunted under his breath. He glared at her voluptuously and she pretended not to be aware of what she had done. Rochester was swiftly losing control. It had got to be her: that beautiful witch sitting graciously by the corner of his bed. She was doing something to him, something to his hormones. His insides began to churn with carnal desires and all he wanted to do was take her down the hellish place with him.

''Get out!'' He demanded. The lamplight began to dim by the hour and with Simon gone, he'd battled his urges so rigidly until now. Heavy blocks of sweat smothered his hairline as his erection grew larger and harder. He feared he was about to burst wide open. His cock was hard in his pants; swollen and hot.


Louisa had heard his command the first time but the pleasure of seeing him look so frail: watching him burn this hot; visibly hot, gave her a feeling of satisfaction that could not compare to anything she'd ever felt before. The light from the moon crashed into the dimly-lit room and once her gaze fell on his hardness, her tits responded and her nipples hardened. Biting her lower lip, she eyed him tastefully. He looked pretty big and while she was nothing near to being a saint, she ogled at his exposed biceps. She watched him struggle. He was seemingly too uptight to give in simply. She'd known the substance would kick in sooner. She just did not anticipate the magic would happen already.

She stood up from his bed but rather than head outside like he'd demanded, she sashayed towards him. She was determined to prove her femininity to him tonight. 

Rochester saw her advancing toward him and he cringed backward. He'd perceived her as harmless and evidently docile. He was not about to break her for his erotic snit. 

''Halt there!'' He barked.

''Why?'' She asked. 

Saying nothing more, he admired her manner of taking such lascivious footsteps to reach him. The dim of the room would not allow him to see the message in her eyes. Louisa used this to her advantage. 

She reached him and pulled herself closer to him. Her tits kissed his chest, shooting a wave of erotic signals into his brain. Pushing him backward, she caused him to lean his back against the cold white wall whilst she pressed her eager breasts hard against his torso. Rochester went wild and moaned a little. The feel of her nipples was hard and her breasts so full, flaunted before his face caused his cock to harden the more beneath his pants. 

The desperate blonde then pulled away from him with a sudden jerk. She began to run her fingers along his exposed sweaty dripping hard chest. She felt grateful for the scarce lighting in the room as she chewed on her mouth in a graceful lust before leaning over to brush her lips against his without kissing him. 

A tease.

Rochester got upset and decided to punish her for it.

''For your wickedness, I shall have to teach you some manners.''

His tone sounded brash but his struggle did not stay hidden: not to her at least as they were only two in the room. Suddenly, Rochester made her switch places. It was her slender back pressed against the wall, and him pinning down her hands above her head. His hands brushed tenderly against her skin and she meandered aggressively like the ripples of a turbulent sea under his weight but she liked it. His breath smelled like Bergamot blowing hot air onto her cleavage that started to sweat and slick down to her stomach. Rochester crashed his head onto her lips, nibbling them madly, wildly, soulfully with his. Her lips tasted lush and her breath smelled like grapefruit: pink grapefruit. 

Louisa stifled a moan under his breath, smitten by his wet kisses that enraptured her into his spell. His lips motioned provocatively with hers and she started to feel the fluids swoosh gently around her thighs. 

She started to run out of breath but she could not get enough of him. She relished the breathless kisses he was dealing her now. She was getting tired and sore in her lips but she did not want him to stop. She wanted him to continue. She wanted the ache: she wanted so much more than the ache.

As the kiss deepened, she sank her fingers into his neck, raw; squeezing onto his skin. Her eyes were shut and her lips stretched in a voluntary smile. Rochester massaged her breasts, stomach and then legs. Then he pulled her up, allowing her thighs to straddle him. He let his dick touch her pelvis and she went mad; She bucked. The excitement was heaven and her sensual nerves lit up. His undershirt became a hindrance and she started to undo the buttons in a rush. Sinking her nose deep inside his clavicle, she drowned in the fragrance of his perfume. His lips were soft and wet but as he began to roll down her dress, she pushed him away. 

''I thought you wanted Giselle and not me?'' 

She studied his attempt to catch his breath which was ragged and sharp just like hers. Once he settled himself, he muttered the words: ''It's you I want now.''

She giggled lightly and pushed him onto the bed. She mounted on him and began to undress him. Rochester smirked wryly, letting her through. She took off his undershirt, pants, underwear and shoes. She did this so skilfully in a manner that deeply amused him.

Then she sat on the bed, took his hand and brought it under her dress. She was not wearing panties. His hand felt her warmth and she moaned out loud. It was the strangest sensation she'd ever felt; something that went beyond sexual pleasure. His fingers were all but sucked inside and she glided gently on top of his bed…