
Louisa alighted first from the cart she'd boarded with her mother. Arms folded and with her mouth pouted stubbornly, she marched angrily toward the entrance of the house leaving her mother behind to settle with the coachman. Her cheeks were bloated and fuming heat. Her present mood was sour but her mother's conduct back at that place was the reason to blame for it.

As she continued to stomp forward, a gust of wind flew toward her direction, flailing up the hem of her dress. If she wasn't quick to intervene, she would have gotten exposed and yet, her mother was still to blame again for making her leave there without changing into her outfit for the night.

She'd left the inn wearing only his silvery-white long sleeve shirt: It was big in size but pretty short in length as it reached her halfway up her thighs. The heat of the situation back there had even prompted her to leave her (previous night's—) dress behind, save for her shoes and purse which she held in both hands as her mother pushed her over outside Rochester's bedroom and down the stairs. 

She could still remember the atrocious stares from the early-risers who were dining at the time when her mother dragged her outside the inn. She could never forget the disgusting look which was painted on their faces. Even the horses outside neighed a jesting laugh as she walked toward the road along with her mother.

Musing over this made her very angry. Reminiscing the disgraceful moment just a couple minutes ago caused her insides to burn with rage. She was getting consumed by it but she would rather let it burn.

She got into the verandah and stopped in front of the wooden door. She pushed it open with all her might and she walked inside, breathing hard.


Inside, Louisa steered her eyes toward the road while waiting for her mother to make an entrance. She wore her face into a scowl. Tapping her feet rapidly against the floor, she was anxiously waiting. 

Mrs. Blythe barely walked into with a bright smile on her face when Louisa's tone accosted her.



''What was the meaning of all the nonsense you performed in that place?!''

Letita's smile swiftly withdrew from her face.

''What was the meaning of what? What did I do that was out of place?''

''Everything!'' She shouted.

''How do you mean?''

''Mother, are you seriously trying to tempt my patience by talking so calmly to me?''

''What would you have me do?'' The woman clapped back at her. ''Would you rather I barked like a dog?!''

''I never said so.'' Louisa mellowed on her rage. ''Don't you know it hurt me to watch you slap him?'' 

''I beg your pardon! What is that even supposed to mean?''

''That you should not have hit him. He got very angry and now he no longer wants to see me again.''

She ended her talk by sulking visibly.

''Is that all?'' Her mother spoke rather calmly in order not to upset her even more. ''But you also slapped him, remember?'' 

''Yes. But in my case, the condition that led me to hit him is much more acceptable than—''


Mrs. Blythe lifted up her right hand: she held it stiff in the air. 

Right this instant, she was not about to get lectured by her daughter on what she could and could not do as far as that shameless man was concerned. 


It was true that they'd both arranged for Louisa to go and meet him late into the night, in pretext of being Giselle, after which the plan was to tip his drink with the substance. However, the plan never stated that she, Louisa, was supposed to let him touch her. She was only supposed to make him believe that he did. 

Louisa studied her mother hiss into a pretty long sigh before walking away from her to settle her ass on a different chair, other than her favourite one in the sitting room.

Her shoulders slouched along with her and her head dropped low; contemplating on a matter that Louisa became curious to know. 

''Mother,,'' She called at her softly before going over to her to kneel fondly by her side. 

''Is anything the matter?'' She asked in anticipation but Mrs. Blythe simply swallowed hard and said nothing about it.

When she got ready to talk, Louisa's eyes had a sorry look in them even whilst she continued to pat her hands gently in that kneeling position she was in. 

Letita smiled weakly and then picked up her hand to fondle gently with Louisa's hair.

''My dearest..''

''Yes, mother.''

''Did you truly do something with that man or is it that the situation I found you both in, was merely an exaggeration?''


Louisa shouted, and instantly jumped up her feet. ''How can you even ask me such a thing?''

''And why can I not?'' Her mother clapped back at her. ''The plan was just to seduce him. Only that. You were supposed to drug him with the substance and then seduce him until he slept. You should not have allowed him to have a carnal knowledge of you, my sweet girl.''

''But mother—''

''But nothing!'' 

Letita rebuked her daughter harshly.