Distrust - II

"Anyway, tea and biscuits will do just fine, for your mood that is. Hence, I had Brightfin tell him that. The cook."

Louisa blinked fast. "When did he say anything about me being sick?" she freed her hands and batted her eyelids, seemingly confused.

"Why did you ask in that tone? Doesn't that confirm my suspicions about your motive just now?" the housekeeper's eyes narrowed. 

"It doesn't confirm anything and you have no right poking into my business."

"Well, I do. And you should be grateful to the boss for making an exception for your stupidity this morning."

That she was stunned was an understatement, Louisa had not perfectly grasped the full meaning of that grumpy woman's words but Gretta's angry tone was what gave her away. 

"What do you mean by 'the boss made an exception for me?' As for the insult, I am willing to ignore it even though I must warn you not to ever repeat that!"