Discomfort ll

"Maybe," the man said. "But you can now see why you shouldn't have disposed of me—"

"Not you, your services."

"— as callous as you did because now I have returned with a deeper insight into that person's disappearance. The ring you cannot seem to take your eyes off now has a somewhat 'interesting' story behind how I came to own it."

 Rochester didn't reply. His mind was terribly ranting — with images of how desperate he had been to have her found because of deep 'personal' reasons that long ago. She had deprived him of a huge benefit on two major counts because of her lousy decision and not-so-ignorant actions, and he had suffered a little next to a peasant's lifestyle. He could never forgive her for her carefree decision, although at some point he'd felt he could, now he was sure he couldn't. Even if he could, he would NEVER do so; not for the sake of divinity or demonism, and certainly not for the sake of anything she held dear.