Ugly ll

"Look!" Adelaide pointed out the window at the two figures she'd seen down below. The view of the blooming orchard groves was a brilliant backing for where they now stood in the lawn area of the house.

"I think you should move away for the sake of your health," said Ms. Powell. "You know, we cannot afford you taking down the Flu again."

"I won't," Adelaide rolled her eyes, "you know I won't. At least not until you tell me what I need to hear. What do you think of this person's relationship with him?"

"With him?" 

Adelaide let her eyes shift from that angle of the window side to the opposite side; her not-so-thin body with it. If she had super powers, she could hear them and what it was they were seemingly talking about under the rain! But since she was nothing short of a mundane sophisticated little girl, she knew her governess would not allow her to open the window. Not even a little part.