Strange girl I

~`The Next Day 

WAKING UP, the boring view of the breaking dawn, greeted her eyes with its dull essence via the open window.

Louisa peeled her gaze from the dull weather outside, looking towards the direction of the voices that had woken her up. The sound was filtering inside her bedroom from outside her door. Her curiosity piqued.

In a dart, she was off her bed, sashaying towards the threshold, wrapping an adequate brown knitted shawl over her toe-length night dress. 

Whoever they were and whatever it was they were talking about, wasn't it too early for that? Gross eye bags punctured out of her skin, — encircling her lower lids, — causing her face to sag a little. Her mind was still reflecting on all that happened the night before. That man's behaviour should have been enough to damage her self-esteem; for that reason, she had prepared to make her decision by morning. Nevertheless, she had managed to fall asleep somehow, at exactly one hour ago— five o'clock.