Secret ll

"She's currently dining in her room," said Simon, dropping off his lanky weight onto one of the blank chairs inside the Study. "For not having heard a single crash of either tea mugs or saucers, it is safe to say that Brightfin already convinced her to eat. Unlike the last time," he re-adjusted his necktie. "Sir."

Rochester, lowering the leaflet in his hand, grunted a sigh. So far, he was convinced that that woman he'd brought into his house, was something more like a bone in his throat; he couldn't push her down, nor was he able to take her out of the equation. She may as well become his salvation out of this situation involving Samantha. Only that he hoped she would understand.

Last night, there was too much revelation he had to come to terms with. After his fallout with Louisa over dinner, he'd summoned Simon as well as Ms. Powell into his personalised library and office.