Blunt l

The room got dusky and dry of all emotion, the grey-coloured walls to either side, smooth and purpley. The light fixtures; fat candles that were barred into the brackets on the topmost part of the walls, gave the room an illusion of warmth despite the gushing downpour outside that drove in the cold. It took Samantha a minute to realise what Isabelle had meant by her timely quiet. 

She frowned at her. "Why would you think so?"

Isabelle was much too absorbed in herself to care about her mood right then. 

"Why else would I have agreed to be his wife if I didn't have a strand of emotion for that man? I've been in love with him all these years."

"Lucky you!"

"Yes, I am going to be the lucky sister just this once. That Hazel is simply a leech that will get put in her place soon. She claims she is pregnant for my Rochie but I doubt that she is telling the truth."

"Is that supposed to make me feel any better or you?" asked Isabelle. 

"I know what I am saying "