Suddenly, the wagon jolted to a halt, causing Louisa to lurch forward. The men who were accompanying her in the back instantly jumped out to start unloading the crates while the woman was left to bring Louisa out with her. Unfortunately, the woman was gripping her so tightly that she feared she might break her wrist. Louisa wondered what she had done to deserve such cruelty and malice from the woman. Despite her desire to inquire, the question stuck in her throat as she surveyed the destination. It was a shabby inn, with the starlight revealing peeling paint on the walls and boarded-up windows. Her heart sank. This new situation was not the safe haven she had hoped for. Instead, she had traded one perilous scenario for another, and this time she had even less chance of survival.

«Move it!» the woman growled as she shoved Louisa toward the entrance of the dark inn.

The men had already begun transporting the crates into the inn.