Oh, Baby!


The weeks went by quickly and I stayed at Celestia's side like a thorn on a rose. She got very irritable at every little thing and I tried to soothe her pain and frustration as best as I could. My poor baby. If I could take the pain away I would. At this very moment, I curse Adam and Eve.

"Ramon, I'm hungry again. Why am I so damn hungry? I'm gonna gain weight- and why the hell is my feet so big? No one told me that I was gonna go up an entire shoe size. I don't want to do this anymore I can't-"

"Hey, hey, you're fine. You're doing fine. Just a few more days. Here, come sit down and I'll make you some food. Whatever you want." I whisper as I hold her tightly.

She looks up at me and sighs.

"Eggs. All I want is eggs. It's the only thing I can eat right now that won't make me throw up."

"I'll make you a plate of scrambled eggs, does that sound good?"

"Yes, it does, and thank you. No one asked you to put up with my moods."

"I'm not putting up with anything darling. Your ready to give birth any day now, I don't blame you."

I kiss her forehead and take her to the library to have her lay on the couch. Then I go back to the kitchen to start her eggs.

When I finish her eggs, I bring the plate over to her with a fork and she immediately digs into it.

I chuckle slightly and make my way back to clean up.

"Are you finished, my love?" I ask as I walk back into the library.

"Yeah, I am. I feel a little better." she smiles.

I nod and take the plate from her to go and wash it. Mid washing, I hear a piercing scream of agony from Celestia and I drop everything, rushing to her in seconds.

"What's wrong?"

"C-Contrac-Shit!" She yells out as she tries to get up from the couch.

"Sit, honey," I say trying to soothe her as I look at my watch, mentally counting the seconds.

After a minute had passed, I looked down at Celestia. Her eyes were closed, and she was breathing hard.

"That shit hurt like a bitch." she groans. "Now my back hurts."

"Darling," I softly say as I move a few hair strands out of her face. "We could possibly be having our little girl today." I smile.

She looks up at me and smiles back before she shuts her eyes close again.

"God, how nice would that be." she sighs. "I'm not one to tolerate pain much these days. I don't know how long I can take this anymore."

"You're doing great, my love. I wish I could transfer the pain from you to me."

"I know, I know, I'm just saying that cause I'm exhausted."

"I know this is hard for you. I can't imagine doing all this." I sigh as I sit next to her. I twist her so that her back faces me and I start to rub at the tenseness in her back with my thumbs.

"Mm, that feels good." she happily groans as she lays onto me. "I'm so tired I just want to sleep but for some reason, I can't."

"Well how about laying on me. Try to see if you can sleep. I'll be right here." I say soothingly combing my hand through her hair.

"I'll try but I know I won't be able to."

"Just try," I whisper and tilt her back to my chest. She closes her eyes and I pull her hair back from her face. The sound of her breathing is calming but it doesn't last. She jerks up and moans in pain again.

"Another one?" says Madeline as she enters the room with my mother and Lilly in tow.

"Y-ye-Ahh! H-how long h-has it been s-since the f-first?"

I check my watch. "Four minutes. We need to get you to the hospital."

"It hasn't been an hour yet."

"Your contractions are four minutes apart. I want to make sure that you and our little girl are safe, well, and in good hands. We have to go, my love," I say as I take her hand.

The second I place her hands in mine, I can feel her shaking.

"You're shaking, Darling are you okay?"

She looks up at me and I see the slight quiver in her lips and her eyes turn glassy.

"Hey, what's wrong? Baby talk to me." I say, pulling her in close.

"I'm s-scared. I'm not ready. I can't do this Ramon."

"Listen, you are one of the strongest women I know. You're giving life to a human being. I'd be scared too if I was in your shoes. But I'm gonna be there with you every second, and we're gonna have a beautiful baby girl, and she's gonna look like you, and we can go on our trips to Disney, and we'll spoil our princess rotten." I whisper to her. She smiles and places her head on my chest and sighs.

"You got this Celestia, be that powerful bad bitch I know you are!" replies Lilly as she hugs her from the side.

"Alright, someone please grab my hospital bag; and let's have this baby."


"Yes, we're in the hospital right now, she's about 5 centimeters dilated. About to get an epidural. I need you to make sure no one knows which hospital we're in. I'm not dealing with the paparazzi today. My number one priority is my fiancé and my baby. Yes. Thank you, James."

I walk back inside of the room and I see them placing the plastic on her back and then putting the needle up her back. I move to face her and take her hands in mine as she slightly winces.

"You're doing great my Queen," I whisper to her.

She nods, eyes still closed, and squeezes my hand tighter.

"Hey sweetie, how are you doing?" her mother asks after placing herself next to me.

Celestia opens her eyes and slightly smiles.

"I'm just ready for this numbing medicine to kick in and this baby to come out."

Her mom chuckles. "I hear ya," she replies before she sits on the seat in the corner. Entwining her fingers and placing them on her crossed knees.


"Yes, my queen?"

"If I yell at you, I'm sorry."

"If that's what it takes to make you feel any better then yell at me all you want." I smile as I kiss her forehead.


"Alright, mama push, a few more. She's almost out."

Celestia squeezes her eyes as her grip on my hand tightened to the point where I couldn't feel my fingers. She groans and grunts as she pushes and she moves herself to lean onto me, propping herself up more so that it caused her to be under less pressure.

Soon the cries of our little girl rings around the room.

"You did it darling, she's here."

"F-finally. May I hold her?" she breathes out in a rush.

The doctor nods and a nurse hands her over to Celestia.

"Hi, hello, aren't you just adorable,"

"She is, isn't she, I told you she was gonna look like you," I say.

"Yeah, but look. She has your eyes, and n-nose..."

Celestia clutches her chest tightly.

The monitor next to her starts beeping.

The baby is being taken from her by a nurse.

The doctor rushes to her side to feel her pulse.

"What is going on?!" I ask as I look at the doctor.

"She seems to be having a stroke."

"What? H-how?"

"Sir, we need you to leave the room." says a nurse beside me.

"No. There's no way in hell I'm leaving her side."

"But sir were-"

"No. I don't want to hear it." I say a little too harshly. "Stay with me baby please, I can't lose you."