Rain poured down heavily and wet the dry ground, along with that the hot and stifling weather began to subside, a large metropolitan city and also the capital of a country, the city of Jakarta is a city with a population of more than 10000000 people, inhabited by various ethnic groups from the Indonesian nation.

The city of Jakarta as a special city, not only acts as the center of government but also acts as the business center of the Indonesian state, because of its features, it can be said that Jakarta is a very interesting place, and of course, like many places around the world, when the city has its charm. the strong one.

So then there will be many people who are interested in coming there, as well as Jakarta with an area that is not so large, it must accommodate such a large population density that reaches over 10 million when compared to Singapore which has an area not much different. with Jakarta with a population of almost 6 million.

So then you can imagine how crowded Jakarta is, that's why various problems occur there, but apart from its shortcomings, Jakarta also gives a lot of hope to those who long for success, along with that in 2022, the Indonesian government has set a new capital to replace Jakarta.

The new capital is located in Kalimantan, which is very far from the original location of the national capital, namely Jakarta, more than 1000 km away. The new capital is a wilderness with a tropical rain forest background.

Back again to Jakarta, where a city that also has many universities, almost more than 300 universities are located in Jakarta and one of the universities that is quite famous there is named Universitas Jaya, as the name suggests, this university which has tens of thousands of students is one of the largest universities in Indonesia.

And today coincides with October which is commemorated as language month, there is a lively event carried out by the language and arts faculty, all faculties look very lively with various hanging decorations and also neatly displayed, this is a tradition that has been done for a long time by Jaya university.

To appreciate the birth of an oath from all the children of the Indonesian nation, then later that month is made as language month, where during October is a month full of various events related to the world of language and art.

In a student executive board room, there was a sharp debate between the administrators and students, if you heard from the debates they were doing, it was clear that there was an attempt to thwart the program of the language and arts faculty. "This is crazy. Student executive board, what do you want! It's clear that the approval for the proposal has been in the ACC but suddenly during the event, they said there was a mistake, what the hell....their intention is very clear" exclaimed a handsome young man with an angry face

The young man has a height of 180 cm with short straight black hair, tan skin with a proportional body making him who is angry at this time has a lot of charm, "Just be patient..... just calm down adi, we'll finish" replied a friend who persuaded the youth

"Huuu....be patient....what are you patient...you know that the program was made for almost 4 months and this is the result, how could I be willing" replied Adi to his friend annoyed

Although he also understands that his friend only came to calm him down, it is clear that Adi, who currently feels that his efforts and hard work have been wasted, is very angry, moreover, the refusal made by the student executive body is made up, so, this just a joke. was a reason for him to be even angrier.

"It's okay, you don't have to be like that, let's just report it to brother Firman," said a beautiful girl in the crowd

And soon the others responded "Yes, let's report brother Firman first" exclaimed another

So then they all returned to their clubrooms, and for a while, the conflict was temporarily suspended, on the other side of the room from the student executive board, a young man with a handsome face is now smiling happily because the conflict he created turned out to be quite successful." Heheheh....we'll see how far their business goes" said the young man smiling sarcastically

"Don't worry boss, with our arrangements, everything will go well, especially the boss knows what benefits we promised them" said a young man with a cynical face standing next to the handsome young man, it was clear his flattering attitude that he was a subordinate of that handsome man.

"Hu.....we'll see later" replied the young man again


On the other hand, when Adi and his friends returned to their club, some friends seemed to be busy preparing for the language month festival, and now they look confused when they see Adi and the others, who look dull and disappointed.

"Why you guys? You look so ugly, what's the problem?' asked a young man to Adi and his friends who had just arrived

"Give me a drink first, it's hot" Adi exclaimed to his friend

Then the friend immediately brought drinks for Adi and his other friends, after Adi and his friends had calmed down their emotions a little, only then did they tell what happened in the student executive board office, after listening to the statements from his friends. that the student executive board made things difficult for the program they had initiated, it was clear that there was outrage from those who listened to it.

"Damn it, it's a student executive body, it's clear there is a will" exclaimed a friend

"Don't you guys give allotted times" another exclaimed

"I think so, there is no benefit for them, so they rude"

"Well, it looks like they angry with are, so they make it" exclaimed another

When they were busy commenting to each other, then from inside their club room a young man who looked more mature with long hair tied up from there, seeing the reaction of the club members, the chairman, Firman said to his friends, "Don't worry, guys. Don't worry, I'll ask the chairman later, is it true how his crew works, this official event dares to play around," said Firman trying to calm his friends.

"Yes, bro, we'll just leave it to you" replied a girl member of the club

"That's right, when we were tired, we didn't get anything," said another

"Let's go with my brother"

After the death of a reply from his club members, Firman breathed a sigh of relief but behind his relief, there was hidden anger that was hidden, it's just that he as the club chairman clearly can't just display his anger in front of his members, because it's clear that he as a pillar has a bigger responsibility, in this case, to calm the members.

On the other hand, he also understands that currently because the event is being held by the junior members of his club, basically the enthusiasm that comes out of them is great, moreover, the problems that are currently happening to them can be said to be problems that are beyond their reach they have.

But then Firman looked at Adi's figure, who was currently leaning comfortably, as if he was thinking about something then he said "Adi...how are the preparations for renting the building?" Ask the word to wake up adi who is relaxing

"I've been in contact, it's just a matter of negotiating the price, but if you see that the building is really expensive, do you need to find something else?" Adi answered while then asked Firman again

"There is no more time, after all, the location of the building is good, strategic and the capacity is the largest around our campus," said Firman, refusing

"But, if it's cheaper, it's better, even if it's a little bit," said Adi in reply

"It's not about cheap Adi, but we need to look at access to the location, the most important thing, if it's cheap but difficult to reach, many people won't come later," said Firman, shaking his head as a sign of refusal.

"Well then, that means we focus on negotiations," Adi said back

"Yes, I'll leave it with you about that," said Firman

So then after a brief talk about the progress of their language month festival project, in the end, some problems were found and after discussing this to get a solution, they then disbanded and got ready to go back to their respective business.

"Adi wait" exclaimed a call from a beautiful girl to Adi

Looking back to see who called him, then pretending to be beautiful with long hair with a height of 165 cm, with white skin and also a sweet smile waving his hand to adi, looking at the beautiful figure the hadith smiled while replying "why Ve?" Asked adi smiling back, even though he was in a not-so-good mood but greeting a beautiful woman was something different.

"Where are you going after this?" Veronica asked Adi

"I want to eat, I'm hungry, why do you want to come?" Ask adi to Veronica again

"Lunch, ok I want it too, I happen to be hungry" Veronica replied with a laugh

Hearing Veronica's answer, Adi is, of course, happy because basically, he will have lunch accompanied by a beautiful girl, Veronica Putri, a beautiful girl with a kind and cheerful personality, is Adi's classmate and also a club mate, both of whom have entered the club it for 2 years.

And because the relationship between them is also one class, so basically the closeness between the two can be considered more than just friends, it's just that both Adi and Vero in this case have not decided to have a relationship that is more than just close friends.

Maybe both of them were waiting for the right time or waiting for an opportunity which, only basically time can answer both of them, this time choosing a place to eat not too far from them, Adi and also vero then immediately ordered food together while waiting for the food, they talk about various things.