
Adi Wicaksana is the name of the protagonist of our current story, he is a handsome young man with a height of 180 cm with medium stature and has short black hair, has tan skin typical of tropical society, with a sweet smile and charming eyes, makes Adi can be said as a figure pleasing to the eye.

But more than that, the charismatic aura as a young man who is 21 years old, with all his advantages makes Adi one of the men who have a strong attraction to the opposite sex, maybe Adi doesn't realize but his current charisma cannot be separated from the contribution of the rgreatgrandmother.

Yes, Adi is a young man who has been blessed by his ancestors or rather his great grandfather, whereas a figure who understands mysticism or spiritualism, the great grandfather did a lot of good in his life just to make up for it to make the lives of his descendants better, in, In this case, Adi's ancestors sacrificed a lot.

In the Javanese tradition or more precisely in kejawen science, it is the science of spiritualism embraced by the Javanese, in this case, those who are Javanese or come from the island of Java, more precisely, come from the provinces of Central Java, East Java, and the special area of ​​Yogyakarta.

The three provinces are the basis of those who have Javanese origin, so as for the rituals performed by Adi's ancestors, it can be said that it doesn't make sense when talking about the modern world which is all-technological, but basically, it is commonplace in Javanese culture, one of which is Fasting 40 days, where those who perform the ritual do not eat anything for 40 days, sounds crazy and also doesn't make sense but if you want to know more you can google it because maybe there will be some information that you can get yourself.

This is related to the science of spiritualism, which is a common thing in Indonesian culture, each tribe has its customs and ways, so don't be too surprised when you find spiritualism activities in Indonesia, because basically, even though Indonesian people adhere to common belief in this world.

But basically, almost most of them carry out these spiritual practices, accompanied by religious activities that they believe in, not to mention that the cultural density is also supported by the life values ​​held by each tribe, back again to the introduction of our protagonist Adi wicaksana, Adi Wicaksana is an ordinary young man who studies at a private university in Jakarta, currently he is in semester 5 majoring in Indonesian language and literature.

Where then basically it is that his major is always covered in a cultural environment, Adi was born in a genuine Javanese family, or you could say a family that comes from the original Javanese tribe, the Father is from the Javanese tribe who was born in a special area of ​​Yogyakarta, a special area which still adheres to the royal system that is recognized as the only one in Indonesia, where every descendant of the King, in this case, will become the automatic governor of a special region, in contrast to other provinces where a democratic system, namely an election system is carried out to determine the governor of the province.

Because of this, Yogyakarta can be said as a very special area, where a kingdom that is hundreds of years old can still exist and become one of the symbols of the existence of the Javanese tribe, on the other hand, the mother comes from a district called Klaten, a district that neighboring Yogyakarta province, wherein Klaten district there are many famous Hindu temples.

One of the most famous is the Prambanan temple, said to be one of the most beautiful Hindu temples in the world, besides that there is also one place that is still within the scope of Between Yogyakarta province and Klaten district, a district called Magelang is famous for Buddhist temples. nya, which is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

With an environment that is thick with culture, Adi can be said to be very influenced by the culture adopted by his parents and also his extended family, even though he was only born in his mother's hometown, Klaten, and grew up in Depok, the satellite city of the capital Jakarta. , but basically while in Depok his parents never left to teach the culture and traditions of his tribe, namely the Javanese.

On the other hand, what Adi's parents did is commonplace, done by every parent in Indonesia, in this case, Indonesia has hundreds of tribes that always have their way of educating their children. Indonesia was born as a speaker with more than one language, which s because in addition to Indonesian as the official language used every day when theywhenat him, in thhomecase their parents, who come from various tribes always teach them or get used to them speaking. with their tribal language.

So then this causes every child in Indonesia to be able to use more than two languages, however, when they meet and greet each other, the language used is the language of unity, namely Indonesian, back to our protagonist, Adi Wicaksana o familiar with the figure of his great-grandfather because when Adi was only 1 year old, his grandfather had died.

He only knew from his grandfather that his great-grandfather was a very famous figure in the area where they lived, the figure of his great-grandfather was famous as a smart person, in this case,, he was figure who was respected by the community, not only because of his knowledge but also because of his good behavior. and also Dharmawan.

On the other hand, Adi's grandfather is also a respected and respected figure in the village, inherited the mantle from his great-grandfather Adi's grandfather, also has abilities that are no less great than his great-grandfather, while this can be done because, the grandfather has how many decent abilities, such as high martial arts can be categorized as a master level, in the world martial arts level it may be equivalent to a grandmaster, then his mysticism, in this case,e, the grandfather can also understand things that smell like metaphysics.

If in Chinese culture there may be Taoism that also specializes in metaphysics, then there is another Buddhist spiritualism originating from Tibet, then there is an exorcism in Christianity, and various other spiritualisms that also discuss

Because of this, Adi, in this case, becomes a person who is more sensitive to the environment around him, in sense the western world Adi may fall into the category of an indigo child, however, because of the protection from his grandfather, basically his sixth eye or can be called Sixten has been closed. not to affect the life of Adi.

But now for some reason when he is getting older, that sensitivity returns because basically everything that is given, even though it is tried to be covered or removed, if it is his destiny then it cannot be changed, in this case, Adi can be said to be the same as that.

Himself who had been sealed by his sixth sense, by his grandfather slowly but surely over time, began to fade, only because Adi who was busy in his lectures did not realize this, and on the other hand in modern times like 2030 is something very strange when still believe in things that smell of metaphysics.

But basically, this is understandable because humans can't see things that are visible to the naked eye so they won't believe it unless they feel and see it for themselves, but things that smell like metaphysics can't always be seen intentionally, basically, there are certain conditions to be able to see and know this.

And now Adi, who has been driving his motorbike, arrives at his house, a simple 1-story house, with a house area of ​​​​about 150 square meters, which can be said to be a decent house, the house was bought from a landlord when Adi was little, at that time he remembered when he was about 4 years old his parents brought him to move into their new house.

The new house which is currently occupied by his family, a house that has 4 bedrooms, with a living room and a kitchen as well as 2 bathrooms, there is a yard at the front of the house and also at the back, which is the mother's favorite place to plant ornamental plants.

Adi's house is painted green, with a simple appearance but comfortable to look at, there is a fence around his house, Adi who arrived opened the fence then put his motorbike into the yard, without delay took out the key that was in his bag, saw the time was still showing 3 pm, he realized that his parents were not home yet and he was the only one at home.

As for the other family members, namely Adi's younger sister, who is 15 years old and currently in high school, still hasn't come home and will only arrive at the house at 5 pm, enter the house and then head to the house. his room, adi who was a little tired then started putting on his bag and shoes, on the other hand then feeling tired after a hot journey, adi then rushed to take a shower.

As a tropical region, Indonesian people have a habit of bathing twice a day, namely, in the morning and also in the afternoon, this can not be separated from the hot and humid weather in the tropics, which is different differentiateteewho have four seasons because usually for bathing. Areas that have four seasons mostly only bathe once a day.